Fig. 1. The release of hallmark DAMPs from gemcitabine-induced dying cancer cells.
Representative peptide chromatogram illustrating differential enrichment of a CRT, b HSP70, c HSP90aa1, and d PDIA3 on the cell surface, as well as e ANXA and f HMGB1 released into the cultured media by cancer cells (murine G69 bladder cancer cells) treated with gemcitabine (n = 2 independent mass spectrometry proteomic profiling experiments). ANXA1 annexin A1, CRT calreticulin, gemCTx gemcitabine chemotherapy-treated, HMGB1 high-mobility group protein box 1, HSP heat-shock protein, PDIA3 protein disulfide isomerase A3. Extracted chromatograms for a representative peptide of each protein was plotted using the Skyline software; precursor (blue color), precursor [M + 1] (purple color), precursor [M + 2] (red color) represent the three isotopic peaks for each indicated peptide.