Fig. 5. Immune cells, their activities and HLA types in progression stage-specific coronavirus-infected patients.
A, B Immune cell scores using ssGSEA analysis and specific immune signature from Rooney et al. representing specific immune cells and their activities in acute-like (n = 7), and recovering-like (n = 3) SARS patients and control healthy individuals (n = 4) (A), and COVID-19 patients and control healthy individuals (B). FDR for A and B are <0.2. C HLA profiles in acute-like, and recovering-like SARS patients and control healthy individuals. Kruskal–Wallis statistical nominal p values for HLA-DQA1 and HLA-DOB are <0.1 and HLA-F is <0.05. Multiple testing correction was not performed due to small sample size for C (the intention of the study is to infer from publicly available limited data). D. Enrichment analysis (hypergeometric test using hypeR57) of CoV-Up-gene signature using MSigDB’s C7 immune gensets20.