Figure 8.
A flatmap representation of the adult human brain (a) showing on the upper half (right side of brain) Brodmann’s areal parcellation and associated numbering schema for divisions of the cerebral cortex, and on the lower half (left side of brain) primary sulci. The nested cortical subplate is outlined in green on the upper half. Also represented are major structural divisions of the brain, represented differently on either side for the purposes of illustration; their structural hierarchical relationships are indicated by a color-coded tree. Additional divisional parcellation is represented by the inset (b) for the basolateral amygdalar complex (BLX), and for selected divisions of the hippocampal formation. The present version of the human brain map (version 3) is based on an earlier (second) version (Swanson, 2018). See text for additional information. Abbreviations for (a): 6b, isocortical layer 6b; AOA, anterior olfactory area; CA, Ammon’s horn (cornu Ammonis in Latin); CBN, cerebellar nuclei; CLA, claustrum; COX, cortical amygdalar complex; DG, dentate gyrus; EP, endopiriform nucleus; IG, indusium griseum; INS, insular region; MB, midbrain; OB, olfactory bulb; PAL, pallidum; SBC, subicular complex; STR, striatum; TG, tegmentum; TT, tenia tecta. Abbreviations for (b): BLA, basolateral amygdala nucleus; BMA, basomedial amygdala nucleus; CA1-3, CA fields 1-3; d, dorsal; LA, lateral amygdala nucleus; m, medial; PARA, parasubiculum; POST, postsubiculum; PRE, presubiculum; SUB, subiculum; v, ventral.