Figure 4. E2 improves the maintenance of satellite cell number before and after injuries.
(A) Differences in TA muscle masses due to estradiol treatment depend on the number of injuries (interaction effect; p<0.006). (B) The total number of satellite cells in TA muscles, quantified by FACS as lineage negative;VCAM, alpha7 double-positive cells, is greater in ovariectomized mice treated with estradiol (main effect of treatment; p<0.001). (C) The total number of satellite cells normalized to muscle mass is greater in ovariectomized mice treated with estradiol (main effect of treatment; p,0.001) and lower with injury (main effect of time; p=0.002). Data was derived from the TA muscles of Ovx+E2 and Ovx+Placebo mice that were not injured, or from TA muscles that had recovered from one or three BaCl2-induced injuries. Sample size per group, n=7-16 mice. Ovx; ovariectomized, E2; 17β-estradiol. Values are presented as mean±SD. For A, following the significant interaction pairwise post-hoc results are indicated by: *Significantly different from Ovx+E2 at given time point; #Significantly different from Uninjured within treatment group. Main effects of two-way ANOVAs are indicated above each set of bars in B and C.