Table 1.
Section | Imagery | Messaging | Key Points | Rationale |
Home | Distinct colors Large font Clear images and links to content |
Reassure and validate difficulties of caregiving Provide information on stages of disease and safety considerations |
Identify 3 areas of decision-making (firearms, driving, home issues) Provide rationale for changes |
Engage user Explain what decisions exist (and why) |
About | Clear sections describing Situations and Solutions Additional information on site creation |
Further describe difficulties of decision-making as caregiver Provide details on site use and its creation |
Explain Situations and Solutions sections and how to use them Detail creation of site |
Ground content into two main sections and explain their use Explain site origins to provide legitimacy |
[Section]: Home | Header image to describe section Four composite quotes centered to draw user’s attention |
Present composite “real-life” examples that demonstrate fear, confusion, grief, and concern about present home safety issues | Showcase potential parallels to caregivers’ own experiences with these safety concerns | Connect with user emotionally or intuitively Validate their experience Encourage user to view themselves in cases provided Normalize decisions and actions |
[Section]: Situations | Questions stated plainly with large, bold buttons prompting user input; Why This Matters text explains rationale for each question |
Present questions that impact the overall decision in neutral, value-based format | Questions based on: Legal ownership of items; Confidence in ability to make safety changes; Comfort in current circumstances; Short and long-term plans; Thoughts on how changes impact the person with dementia |
Compartmentalizes a larger decision into smaller, more manageable questions Value-based, moral, or legal concerns help better inform user preferences and decisions |
[Section]: Solutions | Stylized table split into two categories based on each section Describes solutions with pros and cons, alongside iconography to act as visual cues |
Display common and practical solutions Neutral language and consideration of personal choice and values |
Solutions for each section: Are quick to read; Provide pros and cons; Offer enough flexibility for user to choose based on personal circumstances and beliefs |
By viewing specific solutions, users are more likely to engage with at least one option that aligns with their intuition, circumstances, or lifestyle |
[Section]: FAQs | FAQs separated by strict lines to enhance readability | Normalize questions about how to make and implement these decisions | Address questions or concerns about practical options Provide further assurances to user about validity of their decisions and plans |
Allow more detailed explanations of conceptual issues while keeping earlier sections focused on facilitating decisional clarity and reducing fatigue |