a) Comparison of PC values between healthy controls (HC)
and PPA. For the two lost hubs shared by all variants (see Fig. 3), PPA had significantly lower average PC
(p=0.028). For the four retained hubs that were also shared by all variants (see
Fig. 3), PPA did not differ from the HC
in terms of average PC (p=0.88). For the new hubs of each variant (see Fig. 3b), all variants showed higher (or
numerically higher) PC values than HC (Top to bottom: nfv: p=0.25; lv:p=0.0384;
sv: p=0.0408, Bonferroni corrected). b) Comparison of gray matter
volume: Compared to the HC group, the PPA group showed marginally smaller volume
(p=0.06) for the lost hubs and also significantly smaller volume for the
retained hubs (p=0.0006). No significant differences between the groups was
found for the new hubs. The boxplots show the lower to upper quartile of the
data with a line indicating the median, the diamonds indicate the mean.
c) Correlations between hub connectivity (PC, y-axis) and
volume (x-axis) for the three types of hubs combining all PPA variants (N=42).
~: p<0.1, *: p<0.05, **: p<0.01, ***: