Fig. 7.
Group mean intelligibility scores in bilateral listening. Each point is the mean for eight bilateral CI users. The layout is the same as Fig. 5. The dotted lines in panel A illustrate that at a fixed SNR of about −3 dB, the angular separation between the speech and noise source (α) to achieve 50% correct sentence recognition would be narrower for the MOC3 than for the STD strategy (αMOC3 < αSTD). CI indicates cochlear implant; MOC, medial olivocochlear; MOC1, original fast MOC strategy; MOC2, slower MOC strategy; MOC3, slower MOC strategy with comparatively greater contralateral inhibition in the lower-frequency than in the higher-frequency channels; N, noise; S, speech; SNR, signal-to-noise ratio; SRT, speech reception threshold; STD, standard.