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. 2020 Dec 8;3(12):e209743. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.9743

Table 2. Prevalence of Isolated Systolic Hypertension Among Young and Middle-Aged Adults With Hypertension by Individual Characteristics.

Characteristic All participants with hypertension, No. Participants with ISH Participants without ISH
No./total No. (%) 95% CI No./total No. (%) 95% CI
Total participants 235 138 62 819/235 138 (26.7) 26.5-26.9 172 319/235 138 (73.3) 73.1-73.5
Age range, y
35-39 24 811 5455/24 811 (22.0) 21.5-22.5 19 356/24 811 (78.0) 77.5-78.5
40-44 69 907 17 705/69 907 (25.3) 25.0-25.7 52 202/69 907 (74.7) 74.4-75.0
45-49 140 420 39 659/140 420 (28.2) 28.0-28.5 100 761/140 420 (71.8) 71.5-72.0
Male 110 245 21 402/110 245 (19.4) 19.2-19.7 88 843/110 245 (80.6) 80.4-80.8
Female 124 893 41 417/124 893 (33.2) 32.9-33.4 83 476/124 893 (66.8) 66.6-67.1
Urbanity of residence
Urban 86 907 22 471/86 907 (25.9) 25.6-26.2 64 436/86 907 (74.1) 73.9-74.4
Rural 147 792 40 229/147 792 (27.2) 27.0-27.5 107 563/147 792 (72.8) 72.6-73.0
Unknown 439 119/439 (27.1) 23.0-31.3 320/439 (72.9) 68.7-77.1
Geographic region of residence
Eastern 89 137 26 249/89 137 (29.4) 29.2-29.8 62 888/89 137 (70.6) 70.3-70.9
Central 64 007 16 544/64 007 (25.8) 25.5-26.2 47 463/64 007 (74.2) 73.8-74.5
Western 81 962 20 022/81 962 (24.4) 24.1-24.7 61 940/81 962 (75.6) 75.3-75.9
Unknown 32 4/32 (12.5) 1.0-24.0 28/32 (87.5) 76.0-99.0
Educational level
≤Primary school 72 373 21 978/72 373 (30.4) 30.0-30.7 50 395/72 373 (69.6) 69.3-70.0
Middle school 90 666 24 860/90 666 (27.4) 27.1-27.7 65 806/90 666 (72.6) 72.3-72.9
High school 38 438 9222/38 438 (24.0) 23.6-24.4 29 216/38 438 (76.0) 75.6-76.4
≥College 30 458 5907/30 458 (19.4) 19.0-19.8 24 551/30 458 (80.6) 80.2-81.1
Unknown 3203 852/3203 (26.6) 25.1-28.1 2351/3203 (73.4) 71.9-74.9
Employment status
Employed 208 813 55 624/208 813 (26.6) 26.5-26.8 153 189/208 813 (73.4) 73.2-73.6
Unemployed 5001 1072/5001 (21.4) 20.3-22.6 3929/5001 (78.6) 77.4-79.7
Retired 3321 1002/3321 (30.2) 28.6-31.7 2319/3321 (69.8) 68.3-71.4
Homemaker 13 494 4073/13 494 (30.2) 29.4-31.0 9421/13 494 (69.8) 69.0-70.6
Unknown 4509 1048/4509 (23.2) 22.0-24.5 3461/4509 (76.8) 75.5-78.0
Farming 107 347 31 355/107 347 (29.2) 28.9-29.5 75 992/107 347 (70.8) 70.5-71.1
Nonfarming 123 282 30 416/123 282 (24.7) 24.4-24.9 92 866/123 282 (75.3) 75.1-75.6
Unknown 4509 1048/4509 (23.2) 22.0-24.5 3461/4509 (76.8) 75.5-78.0
Annual household income, yuana
<10 000 35 334 9785/35 334 (27.7) 27.2-28.2 25 549/35 334 (72.3) 71.8-72.8
10 000-50 000 130 465 35 645/130 465 (27.3) 27.1-27.6 94 820/130 465 (72.7) 72.4-72.9
>50 000 47 819 11 413/47 819 (23.9) 23.5-24.3 36 406/47 819 (76.1) 75.8-76.5
Unknown 21 520 5976/21 520 (27.8) 27.2-28.4 15 544/21 520 (72.2) 71.6-72.8
Marital status
Married 225 107 60 357/225 107 (26.8) 26.6-27.0 164 750/225 107 (73.2) 73.0-73.4
Widowed, separated, divorced, or single 7371 1816/7371 (24.6) 23.7-25.6 5555/7371 (75.4) 74.4-76.4
Unknown 2660 646/2660 (24.3) 22.7-25.9 2014/2660 (75.7) 74.1-77.3
Health insurance status
Insured 229 738 61 592/229 738 (26.8) 26.6-27.0 168 146/229 738 (73.2) 73.0-73.4
Uninsured 1913 483/1913 (25.3) 23.3-27.2 1430/1913 (74.8) 72.8-76.7
Unknown 3487 744/3487 (21.3) 20.0-22.7 2743/3487 (78.7) 77.3-80.0
Medical history
Myocardial infarction 1341 234/1341 (17.4) 15.4-19.5 1107/1341 (82.6) 80.5-84.6
Stroke 3570 607/3570 (17.0) 15.8-18.2 2963/3570 (83.0) 81.8-84.2
Diabetes 37 228 8498/37 228 (22.8) 22.4-23.3 28 730/37 228 (77.2) 76.8-77.6
Cardiovascular risk factors
Current smoking 57 406 10 742/57 406 (18.7) 18.4-19.0 46 664/57 406 (81.3) 81.0-81.6
Current alcohol use 57 591 10 355/57 591 (18.0) 17.7-18.3 47 236/57 591 (82.0) 81.7-82.3
Obesity 64 894 13 213/64 894 (20.4) 20.1-20.7 51 681/64 894 (79.6) 79.3-80.0

Abbreviation: ISH, isolated systolic hypertension.


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