Fig. 3.
Comparison of tumor control and CTCAE-free status. a Comparison of overall tumor control after SRS of VS and meningioma in elderly patients (> 65 years). Actuarial tumor control for meningioma was 96%, 91% and 81% and for VS 100%, 96% and 96% after 2, 5 and 10 years, respectively. No statistical significant difference (p = 0.079) was observed between the two tumor groups. b Comparison of overall tumor control after SRS in patients with SRS treatment of recurrent tumors and primary SRS. Patients with recurrence prior SRS had a significantly higher risk for tumor progression (p < 0.001). c Comparison of CTCAE-free status after SRS. No statistical significant difference (p = 0.079) was observed between the two tumor entities. d Comparison of CTCAE-free status after SRS with regard to age ≤ 70 and > 70 years. Patients exceeding 70 years of age had a significantly higher risk for toxicity (p = 0.027)