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. 2020 Dec 8;10(12):e040920. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040920

Table 1.

Search strategy for the first search

(1) Output (2) Construct (3) Population
Search terms Assessment instruments Dementia Intellectual disability
Synonyms assessment; diagnostic; diagnosis; screening; instrument; tool; measurement; questionnaire; psychometrics; scale; interview dementia; Alzheimer’s disease Intellectual disability; learning disability; intellectual developmental disorder; trisomy 21, Down syndrome
Combined and truncated assess* OR diagnosti* OR screen OR screening* OR instrument* OR tool* OR measure* OR questionnaire* OR psychometr* OR scale* OR interview* dement* OR Alzheimer* ((intellectual* OR learning) AND disab*) OR (intellectual* AND developmental* AND disorder*) OR trisom* 21 OR (down* AND syndrom*)
Example search string for Scopus TITLE-ABS-KEY ((assess* OR diagnosti* OR screen OR screening* OR instrument* OR tool* OR measure* OR questionnaire* OR psychometr* OR scale* OR interview*) AND (dement* OR alzheimer*) AND (((intellectual* OR learning) AND disab*) OR (intellectual* AND developmental* AND disorder*) OR trisom* 21 OR (down* AND syndrom*))) AND PUBYEAR >2011