Fig. 7.
ETS1 promoted the transcription of SNHG10 in glioma. a JASPAR predicted the DNA binding motif of ETS1 and the possible binding sites of ETS1 in SNHG10 promoter. b ETS1 expression was tested by RT-qPCR in cells transfected with sh-ETS1#1/2 or pcDNA3.1/ETS1. c, d SNHG10 or FBXL19 expression was evaluated via RT-qPCR in cells with ETS1 suppression or overexpression. e ChIP assays validated the interaction between SNHG10 promoter and ETS1. f Luciferase reporter assays verified that ETS1 bound to SNHG10 promoter at the putative sites. **P < 0.01