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. 2020 Sep 30;133(22):2721–2730. doi: 10.1097/CM9.0000000000001125

Table 1.

Prevalence of treatment-emergent central sleep apnea in patients with obstructive sleep apnea in previous studies.

Studies Reported time (year) Study location Study design Type of sleep study Study population Prevalence of TECSA
Morgenthaler, et al[13] 2006 USA Retrospective SN 223 patients with sleep-related breathing disorders 15% (34/223)
Pusalavidyasagar, et al[52] 2006 USA Retrospective SN 167 patients with OSA 20.3% (34/167)
Lehman, et al[53] 2007 Australia Retrospective FN/SN 99 patients with OSAH 13.1% (13/99)
Dernaika, et al[35] 2007 USA Cross-sectional SN 116 patients with OSA (AHI ≥20/h) 19.8%(23/116)
Kuzniar, et al[19] 2008 USA Retrospective SN 116 patients with OSA 6.5% (13/200)
Endo, et al[20] 2008 Japan Retrospective FN 1312 patients with SAS (AHI ≥20/h) 5.0% (66/1312)
Javaheri, et al[18] 2009 USA Retrospective FN 1286 patients with OSA 6.5% (84/1286)
Yaegashi, et al[55] 2009 Japan Retrospective FN 297 patients with OSA (AHI ≥20/h) 5.7% (17/297)
Cassel, et al[21] 2011 Germany Prospective FN 675 patients with OSA 12.2% (82/675)
Pagel, et al[26] 2011 USA Retrospective SN 150 OSA patients with AHI >15 living at an altitude of 1421 m; 10.6% (16/150) at an altitude of 1421 m;
150 OSA patients with AHI >15 living at an altitude of 1808 m; 22% (33/150) at an altitude of 1808 m;
142 OSA patients with AHI >15 living at an altitude of 2165 m 38.7% (55/142) at an altitude of 2165 m
Bitter, et al[24] 2011 Germany Prospective FN 192 patients with CHF (LVEF ≤45%, NYHA class ≥2) and OSA (AHI ≥15) 18% (34/192)
Westhoff, et al[16] 2012 Germany Prospective FN 1776 patients with OSA (AHI ≥15) and normal BNP levels 0.56% (10/1776)
Neu, et al[23] 2015 Belgium Retrospective FN 263 patients with OSA (AHI >20/h and ArI >30) 9.1% (24/263)
Zapata, et al[25] 2015 Colombia Prospective FN 988 patients with OSA (AHI >15/h) 11.6% (115/988)
Moro, et al[54] 2016 USA Retrospective FN/SN 728 OSA patients who underwent PAP titration (n = 422 split-night; n = 306 two-night) 24.2% of SN-PSG;11.4% of FN-PSG.
Liu, et al[2] 2017 USA, Germany, Australia, France Retrospective NA 133,006 OSA patients used CPAP for ≥90 days and had ≥1 day with the use of ≥1 h in week 1 and week 13 (a telemonitoring device database) 3.5%

Data are presented as % (n/N). TECSA: Treatment-emergent central sleep apnea; SN: Split night titration study; FN: Full night titration study; NA: Not applicable; OSA: Obstructive sleep apnea; OSAH: Obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea; SAS: Sleep apnea syndrome; AHI: Apnea-hypopnea index; CHF: Congestive heart failure; LVEF: Left ventricular ejection fraction; NYHA: New York Heart Association; BNP: Brain natriuretic peptide; ArI: Arousal index; PAP: Positive airway pressure; CPAP: Continuous positive airway pressure; PSG: Polysomnography.