Table 1.
Prevalence of treatment-emergent central sleep apnea in patients with obstructive sleep apnea in previous studies.
Studies | Reported time (year) | Study location | Study design | Type of sleep study | Study population | Prevalence of TECSA |
Morgenthaler, et al[13] | 2006 | USA | Retrospective | SN | 223 patients with sleep-related breathing disorders | 15% (34/223) |
Pusalavidyasagar, et al[52] | 2006 | USA | Retrospective | SN | 167 patients with OSA | 20.3% (34/167) |
Lehman, et al[53] | 2007 | Australia | Retrospective | FN/SN | 99 patients with OSAH | 13.1% (13/99) |
Dernaika, et al[35] | 2007 | USA | Cross-sectional | SN | 116 patients with OSA (AHI ≥20/h) | 19.8%(23/116) |
Kuzniar, et al[19] | 2008 | USA | Retrospective | SN | 116 patients with OSA | 6.5% (13/200) |
Endo, et al[20] | 2008 | Japan | Retrospective | FN | 1312 patients with SAS (AHI ≥20/h) | 5.0% (66/1312) |
Javaheri, et al[18] | 2009 | USA | Retrospective | FN | 1286 patients with OSA | 6.5% (84/1286) |
Yaegashi, et al[55] | 2009 | Japan | Retrospective | FN | 297 patients with OSA (AHI ≥20/h) | 5.7% (17/297) |
Cassel, et al[21] | 2011 | Germany | Prospective | FN | 675 patients with OSA | 12.2% (82/675) |
Pagel, et al[26] | 2011 | USA | Retrospective | SN | 150 OSA patients with AHI >15 living at an altitude of 1421 m; | 10.6% (16/150) at an altitude of 1421 m; |
150 OSA patients with AHI >15 living at an altitude of 1808 m; | 22% (33/150) at an altitude of 1808 m; | |||||
142 OSA patients with AHI >15 living at an altitude of 2165 m | 38.7% (55/142) at an altitude of 2165 m | |||||
Bitter, et al[24] | 2011 | Germany | Prospective | FN | 192 patients with CHF (LVEF ≤45%, NYHA class ≥2) and OSA (AHI ≥15) | 18% (34/192) |
Westhoff, et al[16] | 2012 | Germany | Prospective | FN | 1776 patients with OSA (AHI ≥15) and normal BNP levels | 0.56% (10/1776) |
Neu, et al[23] | 2015 | Belgium | Retrospective | FN | 263 patients with OSA (AHI >20/h and ArI >30) | 9.1% (24/263) |
Zapata, et al[25] | 2015 | Colombia | Prospective | FN | 988 patients with OSA (AHI >15/h) | 11.6% (115/988) |
Moro, et al[54] | 2016 | USA | Retrospective | FN/SN | 728 OSA patients who underwent PAP titration (n = 422 split-night; n = 306 two-night) | 24.2% of SN-PSG;11.4% of FN-PSG. |
Liu, et al[2] | 2017 | USA, Germany, Australia, France | Retrospective | NA | 133,006 OSA patients used CPAP for ≥90 days and had ≥1 day with the use of ≥1 h in week 1 and week 13 (a telemonitoring device database) | 3.5% |
Data are presented as % (n/N). TECSA: Treatment-emergent central sleep apnea; SN: Split night titration study; FN: Full night titration study; NA: Not applicable; OSA: Obstructive sleep apnea; OSAH: Obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea; SAS: Sleep apnea syndrome; AHI: Apnea-hypopnea index; CHF: Congestive heart failure; LVEF: Left ventricular ejection fraction; NYHA: New York Heart Association; BNP: Brain natriuretic peptide; ArI: Arousal index; PAP: Positive airway pressure; CPAP: Continuous positive airway pressure; PSG: Polysomnography.