Table 1.
List of prospective mediator variables
Alcohol use |
Attending classes (lectures, tutorials, labs, etc.) |
Being bullied |
Course marks |
Coursework assessment items |
Difficulty understanding course material |
Drug use |
Eating disorder |
Family members |
Finding a job after university |
Formal examinations |
Grief |
Homesickness |
Lack of exercise |
Lack of money |
Lack of sense of belonging at university |
Lack of sleep |
Loneliness |
Managing childcare |
Non-university work |
Not knowing how things work at university |
Other students |
Physical health |
Prejudice and discrimination against me |
Romantic relationships |
Sexual abuse/harassment |
Sexual identity |
Time management |
Travelling to and from university |
Unhealthy diet (e.g., fast food, no fruit and veg) |
University staff members (lecturers, tutors, etc.) |
Victim of violence |