Comparing Task-Specific Exceptions across Seven Tasks
(A) The same pipeline shown in Figure 6 was applied to all seven HCP tasks (relational, gambling, emotion, working memory [wm], social, language, and motor). The panels are rendered on side views, midline views, and flat map of the left hemisphere to visualize the task-specific regions for each task, overlaid on the thresholded GBC map from the resting state (dark blue).
(B) The overlap of task-specific exceptions is quantified by computing the intersection between task-specific regions by thresholding of the seven tasks at two thresholds: max (leftmost panel, red) and 99% quantile (middle panel, orange) of the resting state long-distance correlations. They are then overlaid on the GBC map (right panel, gray). This overlap could correspond to a “cognitive backbone” that is needed to control the turbulent core processing.