Table 1.
Gene | Accession no | Gene description | Primer sequence | PCR product size (bp) |
GAPDH | NM_002046 | Human glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase |
F: 5′-tcc ctg agc tga acg gga ag-3’ R: 5′-gga gga gtg ggt gtc gct gt-3’ |
217 |
P21 | NM_002577.3 | Human cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1 |
F: 5′-gatggcaccagaggtggtta-3’ R: 5′-tcccgaaatattggggaaag-3’ |
198 |
P53 | NM_000546.3 | Human tumour suppressor gene |
F: 5′-ggaagagaatctccgcaagaa-3’ R: 5′-agctctcggaacatctcgaag-3’ |
177 |
RB | NM_000321 | Human retinoblastoma gene |
F: 5′-cagacccagaagccattgaa-3’ R: 5′-ctgggtgctcagacagaagg-3’ |
115 |
(1) GAPDH: Human Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase as a reference gene. (2) P21: Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 1. (3) TP53: Human Tumour Suppressor gene. (4) PRB: human retinoblastoma gene. The primer sequences were designed using a wild-type TP53 sequence provided by the GenBank—the NIH genetic sequence database.