a, Comparison of virus RNA measured from nasopharyngeal (Np) swab and saliva. Both n=14 for male (M_Pt) and Female patients (F_Pt) for nasopharyngeal samples, and n=9 and 12, respectively, for saliva samples. Dotted lines indicate the detection limit of the assay (5,610 copies/mL), and negatively tested data are shown on the x-axis (not detected; ND). b, Titers of specific IgG and IgM antibody titers against SARS-CoV-2 S1 protein were measured. n=13, 74, 15, and 20 for IgG, and n=3, 18, 15, and 20 for IgM, for male HCW (M_HCW), female HCW (F_HCW), M_Pt, and F_Pt, respectively. The cutoff values for the positivity are shown with the dotted lines. c, Comparison of the plasma levels of representative innate immune cytokines and chemokines. n=15, 28, 16, and 19 for M_HCW, F_HCW, M_Pt, and F_Pt, respectively. Unpaired two-tailed t-test was used in a and one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni multiple comparison test was used in b and c. All p-values < 0.10 are shown. Data are mean ± SEM. The results of all the cytokines/chemokines measured including those shown here can be found in Extended Data Fig. 1b.