IF of tuft cell staining in human ilea of (A) healthy and (B) CD patients. Arrows denote co-expression. (C) IF quantification for tuft cells per crypt/villus. SEM for n = 11 normal and n = 14 CD patients. H&E (D) and (E-G) IF of cell markers of inflamed and uninflamed distal ilea from mice. (H-I) IF quantification for marker area normalized to Hoechst area per crypt. SEM for n = 4 mice for LYZ and 3 for MUC2. (J) IF quantification of DCLK1+ tuft cells in wildtype (n = 146 villi) and TNFΔARE/+ villi, by low- (n = 11), mid- (n = 125), and high-grade (n = 62) inflammation. p-value * < 0.05, ** < 0.01, *** < 0.001.