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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Jan 1.
Published in final edited form as: Med Image Anal. 2020 Sep 25;67:101813. doi: 10.1016/

Table 2:

Overview of weakly supervised learning models. Note: (✓) indicates the code is publicly available and the link is provided in their respective paper.

Reference Cancer types Staining Application Method Dataset
Multiple instance learning (MIL)

Hou et al. (2015) Brain H&E Glioma subtype classification Expectation-maximization based MIL with CNN + logistic regression TCGA (1,064 slides)
Jia et al. (2017) Colon H&E Segmentation of cancerous regions FCN based MIL + deep supervision and area constraints Two private sets containing colon cancer images (910+60 images)
Liang et al. (2018) Stomach H&E Gastric tumour segmentation Patch-based FCN + iterative learning approach China Big Data and AI challenge (1,900 images)
Ilse et al. (2018) (✓) Multi-Cancers H&E Cancer image classification MIL pooling based on gated-attention mechanism CRCHisto (100 images)
Shujun Wang et al. (2019) Stomach H&E Gastric cancer detection Two-stage CNN framework for localization and classification Private set (608 images)
Wang et al. (2019) Lung H&E Lung cancer image classification Patch based FCN + context-aware block selection and feature aggregation strategy Private (939 WSIs), TCGA (500 WSIs)
Campanella et al. (2019) (✓) Multi-Cancers H&E Multiple cancer diagnosis in WSIs CNN (ResNet) + RNNs Prostate (24,859 slides), skin (9,962 slides), breast cancer metastasis (9,894 slides)
Dov et al. (2019) Thyroid Thyroid malignancy prediction CNN + ordinal regression for prediction of thyroid malignancy score Private set (cytopathology 908 WSIs)
Xu et al. (2019) (✓) Multi-Cancers H&E Segmentation of breast cancer metastasis and colon glands FCN trained on instance-level labels, which are obtained from image-level annotations Camelyon16 (400 WSIs), Colorectal adenoma private dataset (177 WSIs)
Huang and Chung (2019) Breast H&E Localization of cancerous evidence in histopathology images CNN + multi-branch attention modules and deep supervision mechanism PCam (327,680 patches extracted from Camelyon16) and Camelyon16 (400 WSIs)

Other approaches

Campanella et al. (2018) Prostate H&E Prostate cancer detection CNN trained under MIL formulation with top-1 ranked instance aggregation approach Prostate biopsies (12,160 slides)
Akbar and Martel (2018) (✓) Breast H&E Detection of breast cancer metastasis Clustering (VAE + K-means) based MIL framework Camelyon16 (400 WSIs)
Tellez et al. (2019b) (✓) Multi-Cancers H&E Compression ofgigapixel histopathology WSIs Unsupervised feature encoding method (VAE, Bi-GAN, contrastive training) that maps high-resolution image patches to low-dimensional embedding vectors Camelyon16 (400 WSIs), TUPAC16 (492 WSIs), Rectum (74 WSIs)
Qu et al. (2019) (✓) Multi-Cancers H&E Nuclei segmentation Modified UNet trained using coarse level-labels + dense CRF loss for model refinement MoNuSeg (30 images), lung cancer private set (40 images)
Bokhorst et al. (2019) Colon H&E Segmentation of tissue types in colorectal cancer UNet with modified loss functions to circumvent sparse manual annotations Colorectal cancer WSIs (private set - 70 images)
Li et al. (2019a) (✓) Breast H&E Mitosis detection FCN trained with concentric loss on weakly annotated centriod label ICPR12 (50 images), ICPR14 (1,696 images), AMIDA13 (606 images), TUPAC16 (107 images)