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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Jan 1.
Published in final edited form as: Med Image Anal. 2020 Sep 25;67:101813. doi: 10.1016/

Table 6:

Overview of survival models for disease prognosis. Note: (✓) indicates the code is publicly available and the link is provided in their respective paper.

Reference Cancer types Application Method Dataset
Zhu et al. (2017b) Multi-Cancers Loss function based on survival time Raw pixel values of downsampled patches used as feature vectors; 10 clusters identified using K-means clustering. Deep survival models are trained for each cluster separately. Significant clusters are identified and corresponding scores are fed into final WSI classifier TCIA-NLST, TCGA-LUSC, TCGA-GBM
Bychkov et al. (2018) Colorectal 5 year disease specific survival Extracted features using pre-trained VGG-16. Used RNN to generate WSI prediction from tiles Private set - TMAs from 420 patients
Couture et al. (2018) (✓) Breast Prediction of tumour grade, ER status, PAM50 intrinsic subtype, histologic subtype and risk of recurrence score Pre-trained VGG-16 model. Aggregate features over 800 × 800 regions to predict class for each patch, then frequency distribution of classes input to SVM to combine regions to predict TMA class TMA cores (Private-1203 cases)
Mobadersany et al. (2018) (✓) Brain Time to event modelling CNN integrated with a Cox proportional hazards model to predict patient outcomes using histology and genomic biomarkers. Calculate median risk for each ROI, then average 2 highest risk regions TCGA-LGG, TCGA-GBM (1,061 WSIs)
Courtiol et al. (2019) Mesothelioma Loss function based on survival time Pre-trained ResNet50 extracts features from 10000 tiles. 1-D convolutional layer generates score for each tile. 10 highest and lowest scores fed into MLP classifier for WSI prediction MESOPATH/MESOBANK (private set-2,981 WSIs), TCGA validation set (56 WSIs)
Geessink et al. (2019) Colorectal Dichotomized tumour/stromal ratios CNN based patch classifier trained to identify tissue components. Calculate tumour-stroma ratio for manually defined hot-spots Private set-129 WSIs
Kather et al. (2019) (✓) Colorectal Dichotomized stromal score VGG-19 based patch classifier trained to identify tissue component. Calculate HR for each tissue component using mean activation. Combine components with HR > 1 to give a “deep stromal score” NCT-CRC-HE-100k; TCGA-READ, TCGA-COAD
Muhammad et al. (2019) Liver ICC HRs of clusters compared Unsupervised method to cluster tiles using autoencoder. WSI assigned to cluster corresponding to majority of tiles Private set - 246 ICC H&E WSIs
Nagpal et al. (2019) Prostate Gleason scoring Trained Inception-V3 network to predict Gleason score on labeled patches. Then calculate % patches with each grade on the WSI and use result as a low dimensional feature vector input to k-NN classifier TCGA-PRAD and private dataset
Qaiser et al. (2019a) Lymphoma Generate 4 DPC categories Multi-task CNN model for simultaneous cell detection and classification, followed by digital proximity signature (DPS) estimation Private set-32 IHC WSIs
Tang et al. (2019) Multi-Cancers Dichototomized survival time (<= 1 year and > 1 year) A capsule network is trained using a loss function that combines a reconstruction loss, margin loss ans Cox loss. The mean of all patch-level survival predictions is calculated to achieve a final patient-level survival prediction. TCGA-GBM and TCGA-LUSC
Veta et al. (2019) Breast Predict mitotic score & PAM50 proliferation score Multiple methods from challenge teams TUPAC 2016
Yamamoto et al. (2019) Prostate Predict accuracy of prostate cancer recurrence Deep autoencoders trained at different magnifications and weighted non-hierarchical clustering, followed by SVM classifier to predict the short-term biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer Private set - 15,464 WSI’s