Therapeutic landscapes with natural resources will help to find better mental and physical health. |
Asakawa et al., 2004; Nunkoo and Ramkissoon, 2012; Smith, 2015
Therapeutic landscapes will provide better caring environment than expected. |
Smith, 2015 |
Therapeutic landscapes will help to strengthen immune system of the body. |
Kennedy et al., 2004 |
The environment of therapeutic landscapes will be good for rest, sleep, and rehabilitation. |
Kennedy et al., 2004 |
Therapeutic landscapes with a supporting network of people and services will help in quick healing and recovery. |
Kennedy et al., 2004; Rodiek and Fried, 2005; Zhou et al., 2017
Therapeutic landscapes will provide aesthetic services (e.g., alternative treatments, diet and exercise plan, etc.). |
Smith, 2015 |
Wellness tourism |
Visiting and staying at a destination’s therapeutic landscapes helps me perform well in my daily life activities. |
Kennedy et al., 2004; Rodiek and Fried, 2005
Visiting and staying at a destination’s therapeutic landscapes allows me to spend happy time with other people. |
Kennedy et al., 2004; Rodiek and Fried, 2005
Visiting and staying at a destination’s therapeutic landscapes helps me to feel refreshing. |
Kennedy et al., 2004 |
Time spent at a destination’s therapeutic landscapes makes my life enjoyable. |
Kennedy et al., 2004; Rodiek and Fried, 2005
Visiting and staying at a destination’s therapeutic landscapes helps me to feel positive energy. |
Kennedy et al., 2004 |
Visiting a destination’s therapeutic landscapes helps me to find peace of mind, body, and soul. |
Rodiek and Fried, 2005 |
Staying at a destination’s therapeutic landscapes helps me to maintain a good mood. |
Kennedy et al., 2004; Rodiek and Fried, 2005
Visiting and staying at a destination’s therapeutic landscapes helps me to feel the renewal, restoration, and rejuvenation. |
Larsen et al., 2009 |
Health tourism |
Visiting and staying at a destination’s therapeutic landscapes helps me to live longer. |
Kennedy et al., 2004; Rodiek and Fried, 2005
Visiting and staying at a destination’s therapeutic landscapes helps me to improve my physical health. |
Kennedy et al., 2004; Larsen et al., 2009
Visiting and staying at a destination’s therapeutic landscapes helps me to improve my mental health. |
Larsen et al., 2009 |
Staying at a destination’s therapeutic landscapes allows me to relax mentally and physically. |
Smith, 2015 |
Visiting and staying at a destination’s therapeutic landscape helps me to find desired health treatments. |
Majeed et al., 2018 |
Visiting and staying at a destination’s therapeutic landscape helps me to find valuable healthcare than the care available in other health facilities/destinations. |
Majeed et al., 2018 |
Place attachment |
For the activities that I enjoy most, the settings and facilities provided by this place are the best. |
Ramkissoon et al., 2013a,b,c; Ramkissoon and Mavondo, 2015
For what I like to do, I could not imagine anything better than the settings and facilities provided by this place. |
Ramkissoon et al., 2013a,b,c; Ramkissoon and Mavondo, 2015
I identify strongly with this place. |
Ramkissoon et al., 2013a,b,c; Ramkissoon and Mavondo, 2015
I feel a strong sense of belonging to this place and its settings/facilities. |
Ramkissoon et al., 2013a,b,c; Ramkissoon and Mavondo, 2015
This place means a lot to me. |
Ramkissoon et al., 2013a,b,c; Ramkissoon and Mavondo, 2015
This place says a lot about who I am. |
Ramkissoon et al., 2013a,b,c; Ramkissoon and Mavondo, 2015
I am very attached to this place. |
Ramkissoon et al., 2013a,b,c; Ramkissoon and Mavondo, 2015
My friends/family would be disappointed if I were to start visiting other settings and facilities. |
Ramkissoon et al., 2013a,b,c; Ramkissoon and Mavondo, 2015
If I were to stop visiting this place, I would lose contact with a number of friends. |
Ramkissoon et al., 2013a,b,c; Ramkissoon and Mavondo, 2015
COVID-19 pandemic perceived health risk |
I worry that my health might suffer from the occurrence of infectious disease at the host destination. |
Law, 2006 |
I worry that my traveling decision might be affected by the threat of infectious disease at the host destination. |
Law, 2006 |
I worry that I might be exposed to the risk of contagious diseases. |
Dolnicar, 2007 |
I do not worry about the happening of epidemics at the host destination. |
Larsen et al., 2009 |
During traveling to a destination, I constantly worry that something may go wrong. |
Larsen et al., 2009 |
A thermometer to measure fever will help to monitor my health and protect myself from disease (if any). |
Rittichainuwat and Chakraborty, 2012 |
Revisitation to destination’s therapeutic landscapes |
I will re-visit a destination’s therapeutic landscapes to find healing places. |
English et al., 2008 |
I will re-visit a destination’s therapeutic landscapes to find refuge for health optimization. |
English et al., 2008 |
I will re-visit a destination’s therapeutic landscape to find like-minded people for exercise and fun. |
English et al., 2008; Zhou et al., 2017
I will re-visit a destination’s therapeutic landscapes for healing and recovery than stand-alone facilities. |
Majeed et al., 2017a |
I will re-visit a destination’s therapeutic landscapes to feel healing power of nature. |
English et al., 2008; Larsen et al., 2009