Innervation and functional NMJ recovery in Vegf-Afl/fl; LysMCre mice is persistently worse than controls. NMJ reinnervation, as seen by the colocalization of the neurofilaments (green) with motor endplates (red, arrows), is shown at days 14 (A, B), 21 (C, D), and 28 (E, F) postinjury and nerve repair. G, NMJ reinnervation was significantly worse in the Vegf-Afl/fl; LysMCre mice, achieving only half of the reinnervation rate of controls, at day 21. Vegf-Afl/fl; LysMCre mice showed a significantly lower percentage of fully innervated NMJs and higher percentage of denervated (none) NMJs compared with controls. By day 28, both groups of mice were able to reach nearly 80% of motor endplates fully innervated. H, Vegf-Afl/fl; LysMCre mice demonstrated significantly poorer CMAP performance at 21 and 28 d postinjury compared with control mice, indicating a functional impact extending beyond morphologic differences. NF200 Ab = axons (green), BTX = α‐bungarotoxin (endplates, red), DAPI = nuclear staining (blue). Scale bar: 50 μm. Data: mean ± SD; N = 3–5 mice/genotype/time point; *p < 0.05.