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. 2020 Dec 4;2020(1):426–433. doi: 10.1182/hematology.2020000127

Table 2.

Emerging therapies for LR-MDS

Agent Mechanism of action Route of administration Suggested patient population Single or combination Response rate Reference
Roxadustat Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) inhibitor Oral LR-MDS (non-del5(q)) with low transfusion burden, sEPO ≤400 U/L Phase 3 study ongoing
ROXA vs Placebo
Dose finding cohort results: N=24.
HI-E=54%, TI=38% after 28 wk of treatment. TI=78% at higher dose level 2.5mg/kg
Imetelstat Telomerase inhibitor Intravenous LR-MDS (non del5(q))with high transfusion burden and ESA failure Phase 2/3 iMERGE study HI-E=68%, TI for 8 wk=42%, TI for >24 wk=29%, CR=13% and CRi=10%. No PR. High rates of myelosuppression 47,48
H3B-8800 Spliceosomal inhibitor: synthetic lethality Oral LR-MDS with spliceosome mutations Phase 1 dose escalation study 14% HI, no CR/PR
PD studies demonstrated dose dependent splicing modulation
APR-246 TP53 modifier Intravenous Treatment naïve HR-MDS/AML with TP53 mutation Combined with HMA RR=75-87%, CR=55% CR in phase 2 when combined with HMA 50,51
Ivosidenib IDH1 inhibitor Oral R/R MDS with IDH1 mutation (N=12) Phase 1 single agent CR=5/12 and RR=11/12 52
FT-2102 IDH1 inhibitor Oral MDS and AML (N=36) Phase 1/2 single agent and + HMA CR/CRi 38% single agent (N=16)
CR=27% combo with HMA
Enasidenib IDH2 inhibitor Oral R/R MDS with IDH2 mutation (N=17) Single or combined 1/17=CR and 10/17=Response 54

CR = complete remission, CRi = complete remission with incomplete count recovery, ESA = erythroid stimulating agent, HI-E = erythroid hematological improvement, HMA = hypomethylating agent, LR = lower risk, PR = partial response, R/R = relapsed/refractory, RR = response rate, sEPO = serum erythropoetin level, TI = transfusion independence.