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. 2020 Jul 10;69(27):853–858. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6927a1

TABLE. Monthly prevalence of health-related workplace absenteeism* among full-time workers, by occupational group — Current Population Survey, United States, October 2019–April 2020.

Occupational group
Weighted % (95% CI)
Oct–Dec 2019
Jan–Apr 2020
Total 1.9 (1.8–2.0)§ 1.9 (1.8–2.0) 2.2 (2.0–2.4) 2.4 (2.3–2.6) 2.4 (2.2–2.6) 2.4 (2.2–2.7)§ 2.2 (1.9–2.5)§
Personal care and service
2.4 (1.6–3.2)
2.1 (1.4–2.7)
1.9 (1.1–2.6)
3.2 (2.0–4.4)
2.6 (1.4–3.9)
3.0 (1.4–4.6)
5.1 (3.5–6.7)
Healthcare support
2.1 (1.1–3.1)
1.8 (1.0–2.5)
2.4 (1.6–3.2)
3.2 (1.6–4.8)
2.5 (1.2–3.9)
3.3 (2.1–4.5)
5.0 (3.1–6.8)
2.2 (1.5–2.9)
2.2 (1.6–2.9)
2.5 (2.0–3.1)
2.8 (2.3–3.4)
2.6 (2.2–3.1)
3.5 (2.5–4.4)§
3.7 (2.7–4.7)
Transportation and material moving
2.9 (2.1–3.6)§
2.2 (1.4–3.0)
2.9 (2.4–3.5)
2.8 (1.8–3.8)
3.1 (2.4–3.8)
3.1 (2.3–3.9)
3.6 (2.6–4.6)**
Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance
1.9 (1.0–2.8)
1.9 (0.9–2.9)
2.9 (2.1–3.8)
2.9 (1.7–4.2)
3.4 (2.4–4.4)
3.2 (1.9–4.5)
3.3 (2.1–4.5)
Food preparation and serving related
2.1 (1.3–2.9)
2.2 (1.3–3.1)
2.7 (1.7–3.6)
2.7 (1.5–3.9)
3.0 (1.9–4.0)
2.8 (1.7–3.8)
3.1 (1.1–5.1)
Construction and extraction
1.4 (0.9–2.0)
1.6 (1.0–2.2)
2.2 (1.7–2.7)
3.1 (2.0–4.1)§
2.5 (1.7–3.2)
2.3 (1.4–3.1)
2.9 (1.8–4.1)§
Healthcare practitioner and technical
2.3 (1.8–2.8)
2.0 (1.5–2.5)
2.3 (1.7–2.9)
2.4 (1.6–3.2)
2.5 (1.9–3.0)
2.1 (1.5–2.7)
2.8 (2.0–3.6)**
Farming, fishing, and forestry
1.1 (0.0–2.4)
1.4 (0.0–3.5)
1.6 (0.1–3.2)
4.2 (2.1–6.2)§
3.7 (0.9–6.5)
2.6 (0.0–5.4)§
2.6 (0.0–6.5)
Office and administrative support
2.6 (2.1–3.1)§
2.4 (2.1–2.7)
2.7 (2.3–3.1)
3.0 (2.2–3.7)
2.5 (2.1–2.9)
3.0 (2.5–3.5)
2.5 (1.8–3.1)
Legal occupations
2.0 (0.7–3.3)
1.0 (0.1–1.9)
1.5 (0.6–2.5)
2.9 (1.5–4.3)§
2.7 (1.0–4.3)
0.9 (0.1–1.8)
2.3 (0.7–3.8)
Sales and related
1.7 (1.3–2.1)§
2.1 (1.6–2.7)**
2.0 (1.5–2.6)
2.0 (1.6–2.5)
2.3 (1.5–3.1)§
2.1 (1.7–2.6)
2.1 (1.6–2.6)
Protective service
2.7 (1.4–3.9)§
2.4 (1.3–3.5)§
2.9 (1.6–4.1)
3.3 (2.2–4.3)§
2.6 (1.8–3.3)§
2.3 (1.6–3.1)
2.1 (1.3–3.0)
Installation, maintenance and repair
2.4 (1.6–3.1)
2.4 (1.6–3.2)
1.9 (1.2–2.6)
1.8 (1.0–2.7)
2.8 (2.1–3.5)
3.5 (2.3–4.7)§
2.0 (1.2–2.9)
Education, training, and library
1.5 (1.1–2.0)
2.3 (1.7–2.8)**
2.7 (1.9–3.4)§
2.7 (2.1–3.2)§
2.5 (1.9–3.0)
2.2 (1.5–2.9)
1.5 (0.8–2.3)
Architecture and engineering
0.8 (0.0–1.7)
1.3 (0.4–2.2)
1.4 (0.6–2.2)
2.5 (1.3–3.6)
1.5 (0.7–2.4)
2.4 (1.3–3.4)§
1.4 (0.6–2.1)
Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media
2.1 (0.7–3.5)
2.1 (0.9–3.3)
2.3 (0.7–3.9)
2.0 (0.7–3.3)
1.6 (0.9–2.4)
2.5 (0.6–4.4)
1.4 (0.3–2.5)
Business and financial operations
1.5 (1.1–2.0)
1.3 (0.7–1.9)
2.1 (1.5–2.6)
2.5 (1.8–3.1)
2.4 (1.9–2.8)§
1.6 (0.9–2.2)
1.2 (0.7–1.8)
Computer and mathematical science
1.4 (0.8–2.0)
0.8 (0.3–1.2)
1.6 (0.9–2.2)
1.6 (1.0–2.3)
2.2 (1.3–3.1)
2.0 (1.2–2.8)§
1.1 (0.5–1.8)
Community and social service
1.9 (0.7–3.1)
2.5 (1.4–3.6)
1.8 (1.0–2.5)
1.6 (0.8–2.4)
2.3 (1.1–3.4)
3.1 (1.9–4.2)
1.0 (0.0–2.2)
1.1 (0.8–1.4)
1.3 (0.9–1.6)
1.7 (1.4–1.9)
1.3 (1.0–1.6)
1.6 (1.3–1.9)
1.6 (1.3–2.0)
0.9 (0.6–1.2)
Life, physical, and social science 1.9 (0.5–3.4) 2.8 (1.0–4.5) 2.4 (0.8–4.0) 2.9 (1.4–4.4) 2.5 (1.0–3.9) 1.2 (0.3–2.1) 0.5 (0.0–1.2)

Abbreviation: CI = confidence interval.

* Defined as working <35 hours during the reference week because of illness, injury or other medical issue.

Defined as employed persons who usually work ≥35 hours per week at all jobs combined.

§ Point estimate, but not its lower 95% confidence limit, exceeded an epidemic threshold defined as the upper 95% confidence limit of the expected value, based on monthly average for the previous 5 years, and p-value for post hoc observed versus expected comparison using Z-test for independent proportion ≥0.05.

Significantly exceeded the epidemic threshold (i.e., lower 95% confidence limit of the point estimate exceeded the epidemic threshold).

** Point estimate, but not its lower 95% confidence limit, exceeded the epidemic threshold and p-value for post hoc observed versus expected comparison using Z-test for independent proportion <0.05.