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. 2020 Dec 10;15(12):e0243126. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0243126

Table 3. Bivariate analyses of macro context variables and in-hospital mortality.

COVID-19 hospitalizations in the Unified Health System in Brazil (N = 89,405). February to June 2020.

Variables N % In-hospital death χ2 (Valor de p)
Yes No
N % N %
Hospital ownership < 0.0001
    Public–Municipality 37,539 42.0 7,544 20.1 29,995 79.9
    Pubic–State 28,728 32.1 8,903 31.0 19,825 69.0
    Public–Federal 958 1.1 313 32.7 645 67.3
    Private 4,119 4.6 862 20.9 3,257 79.1
    Philanthropic 18,061 20.2 4,185 23.2 13,876 76.8
State < 0.0001
    Rondônia 957 1.1 127 13.3 830 86.7
    Acre 64 0.1 28 43.8 36 56.3
    Amazonas 4,682 5.2 1,628 34.8 3,054 65.2
    Roraima 677 0.8 243 35.9 434 64.1
    Pará 3,398 3.8 647 19.0 2,751 81.0
    Amapá 237 0.3 106 44.7 131 55.3
    Tocantins 265 0.3 55 20.8 210 79.2
    Maranhão 5,946 6.6 1,644 27.6 4,302 72.4
    Piauí 1,060 1.2 115 10.8 945 89.2
    Ceará 6,141 6.9 1,472 24.0 4,669 76.0
    Rio Grande do Norte 917 1.0 238 26.0 679 74.0
    Paraíba 848 0.9 166 19.6 682 80.4
    Pernambuco 8,524 9.5 2,370 27.8 6,154 72.2
    Alagoas 804 0.9 246 30.6 558 69.4
    Sergipe 271 0.3 44 16.2 227 83.8
    Bahia 2,853 3.2 780 27.3 2,073 72.7
    Minas Gerais 2,987 3.3 500 16.7 2,487 83.3
    Espírito Santo 1,932 2.2 559 28.9 1,373 71.1
    Rio de Janeiro 10,589 11.8 3,401 32.1 7,188 67.9
    São Paulo 28,396 31.8 6,235 22.0 22,161 78.0
    Paraná 1,753 2.0 291 16.6 1,462 83.4
    Santa Catarina 988 1.1 147 14.9 841 85.1
    Rio Grande do Sul 2,173 2.4 325 15.0 1,848 85.0
    Mato Grosso do Sul 81 0.1 7 8.6 74 91.4
    Mato Grosso 384 0.4 76 19.8 308 80.2
    Goiás 902 1.0 124 13.7 778 86.3
    Distrito Federal 1,576 1.8 233 14.8 1,343 85.2
Population size < 0.0001
    ≤ 50.000 hab. 8,671 9.7 878 10.1 7,793 89.9
    50.001–100.000 hab. 7,639 8.5 1,573 20.6 6,066 79.4
    100.001–500.000 hab. 23,442 26.2 5,785 24.7 17,657 75.3
    > 500.000 hab. 49,653 55.5 13,571 27.3 36,082 72.7
Residence/hospitalization < 0.0001
    Same municipality 68,069 76.1 15,565 22.9 52,504 77.1
    Different municipalities 21,336 23.9 6,242 29.3 15,094 70.7

Source: Ministry of Health–The SUS Inpatient Care Information System