(A-D) Group averages (horizontal lines) of rest time, distance travelled, counts per minute (CPM) of rearing, and CPM of movements while stationary for wild-type (black dots) and Acad10-deficient mice (red dots). During the 30-minute test, Acad10-deficient animals spent statistically significantly more time resting (A), travelled a statistically significantly shorter distance (B), and reared statistically significantly less frequently (C) compared to wild-type mice of the same background (unpaired Student’s T-test with Welch’s correction, p-value <0.05 to < 0.0005). The frequency of movements while stationary (D) did not differ significantly between Acad10-deficient mice and wild-type mice of the same background (unpaired Student’s T-test with Welch’s correction). (E-F) Group averages of the percent of time of the total 30-minute test wild-type mice (E) and Acad10-deficient mice (F) engaged in resting, ambulating, rearing, and movements while stationary (e.g., grooming). Acad10-deficient mice spent a statistically significantly greater percent of time resting and, conversely, statistically significantly smaller percentage of time ambulating, rearing, or engaged in movements while stationary, compared to wild-type mice of the same background (unpaired Student’s T-test with Welch’s correction, p-value <0.05).