Figure 4.
BHB alone does not change anxiety-like behavior or locomotor activity. (a) The time spent in the open arms of the EPM is shown. BHB administration did not change the time spent in the open arms (median [IQR]; Veh: 48.7 [0.0–63.8], BHB: 29.2 [0.0–67.7], Mann–Whitney’s U-test; W = 41, p = 0.98). (b) Number of open- arm entries in the EPM is shown. BHB administration did not change the number of open-arm entries (median [IQR]; Veh: 60.0 [0.0–120.0], BHB: 23.1 [0.0–120.0], Mann–Whitney’s U-test; W = 44.5, p = 0.74). (c) Distance traveled in the OFT is shown. BHB treatment did not change distance traveled (median [IQR]; Veh: 132.1 [65.9–141.5], BHB: 45.5 [43.8–94.1], Mann–Whitney’s U-test; (W = 57, p = 0.16). Data are shown using % of controls. Reference control is the Veh group. The data are presented as scatter plots including median and interquartile range. Mann–Whitney’s U-test was performed to compare two groups. n = 9/group. EPM: elevated plus maze test, OFT: open field test, Veh: Vehicle (PBS), BHB: beta-hydroxybutyrate, n = 9.