Figure 4.
Distribution of echo chamber sizes, , as a function of average connectivity, k, and social temperature, T. Echo chambers are defined as groups of friendly agents who hold the same opinion. The left column represents the situation in the fragmented phase (low temperature T = 1). The right column is in the cohesive phase. The upper panels show an average connectivity of k = 8, the lower ones k = 4. In the fragmented phase, there appear significant groups of all sizes that are characterized by uniform opinions and positive relations within, and hostile relations towards others. The insets show the size distribution of the detected ‘positive’ clusters, . These are groups of cooperating individuals, where any two members of the same group can be connected by a path consisting of positive links only. In the cohesive phase, there may exist positive clusters of maximal sizes (), meaning that the whole society can cooperate despite a diversity in opinions. Same model parameters as in previous figure. Results were obtained from 500 realizations.