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. 2020 Dec 10;3(12):e2029058. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.29058

Table 1. Characteristics and Comorbidities for Patients With Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Premier Healthcare Database, April to May 2020.

Characteristics No. (%) P value No. (%) P value
Overall sample (N = 64 781) Outpatients (n = 29 479) Inpatients (n = 35 302) Survived (n = 57 426) Deceased (n = 7355)
Age, y
Mean (SD) 56.1 (19.9) 47.1 (18.5) 63.6 (17.7) <.001 53.7 (19.3) 74.2 (13.4) <.001
Median (IQR) 57 (41-71) 46 (33-59) 65 (52-77) 54 (39-67) 76 (66-84)
0-17 1071 (1.7) 888 (3.0) 183 (0.5) <.001 1067 (1.9) 4 (0.1) <.001
18-34 9483 (14.6) 7211 (24.5) 2272 (6.4) 9434 (16.4) 49 (0.7)
35-49 13 340 (20.6) 8428 (28.6) 4912 (13.9) 13 057 (22.7) 283 (3.8)
50-64 17 984 (27.8) 7929 (26.9) 10 055 (28.5) 16 669 (29.0) 1315 (17.9)
65-79 14 170 (21.9) 3343 (11.3) 10 827 (30.7) 11 285 (19.7) 2885 (39.2)
≥80 8733 (13.5) 1680 (5.7) 7053 (20.0) 5914 (10.3) 2819 (38.3)
Men 31 968 (49.3) 13 107 (44.5) 18 861 (53.4) <.001 27 701 (48.2) 4267 (58.0) <.001
Women 32 475 (50.1) 16 150 (54.8) 16 325 (46.2) 29 394 (51.2) 3081 (41.9)
Unknown 338 (0.5) 222 (0.8) 116 (0.3) 331 (0.6) 7 (0.1)
White 25 841 (39.9) 12 116 (41.1) 13 725 (38.9) <.001 22 659 (39.5) 3182 (43.3) <.001
Black 14 340 (22.1) 6073 (20.6) 8267 (23.4) 12 764 (22.2) 1576 (21.4)
Other 24 600 (38.0) 11 290 (38.3) 13 310 (37.7) 22 003 (38.3) 2597 (35.3)
Hispanic 13 776 (21.3) 7445 (25.3) 6331 (17.9) <.001 12 832 (22.3) 944 (12.8) <.001
Non-Hispanic 35 731 (55.2) 14 947 (50.7) 20 784 (58.9) 31 228 (54.4) 4503 (61.2)
Other or unknown 15 274 (23.6) 7087 (24.0) 8187 (23.2) 13 366 (23.3) 1908 (25.9)
Payer type
Medicare 22 945 (35.4) 5352 (18.2) 17 593 (49.8) <.001 17 595 (30.6) 5350 (72.7) <.001
Medicaid 11 928 (18.4) 5557 (18.9) 6371 (18.0) 11 134 (19.4) 794 (10.8)
Commercial insurance 21 698 (33.5) 12 676 (43.0) 9022 (25.6) 20 737 (36.1) 961 (13.1)
Self-pay 4528 (7.0) 3630 (12.3) 898 (2.5) 4431 (7.7) 97 (1.3)
Other or unknown 3682 (5.7) 2264 (7.7) 1418 (4.0) 3529 (6.1) 153 (2.1)
Type of admission
Emergency 47 529 (73.4) 16 406 (55.7) 31 123 (88.2) <.001 40 883 (71.2) 6646 (90.4) <.001
Urgent 4877 (7.5) 1940 (6.6) 2937 (8.3) 4370 (7.6) 507 (6.9)
Elective 7057 (10.9) 5947 (20.2) 1110 (3.1) 6937 (12.1) 120 (1.6)
Other or unknown 5318 (8.2) 5186 (17.6) 132 (0.4) 5236 (9.1) 82 (1.1)
Admission point of origin
Non–health care facility 51 163 (79.0) 22 666 (76.9) 28 497 (80.7) <.001 45 802 (79.8) 5361 (72.9) <.001
Clinic 6075 (9.4) 4399 (14.9) 1676 (4.7) 5806 (10.1) 269 (3.7)
Transferred from acute care facility 3185 (4.9) 187 (0.6) 2998 (8.5) 2309 (4.0) 876 (11.9)
Transferred from long-term care facility 2396 (3.7) 414 (1.4) 1982 (5.6) 1587 (2.8) 809 (11.0)
Other or unknown 1962 (3.0) 1813 (6.2) 149 (0.4) 1922 (3.3) 40 (0.5)
Discharge status
Home or home health 46 913 (72.4) 27 593 (93.6) 19 320 (54.7) <.001 46 913 (81.7) 0 NA
Long-term care or rehabilitation facility 6949 (10.7) 417 (1.4) 6532 (18.5) 6949 (12.1) 0
Transferred to another acute care facility 417 (0.6) 73 (0.2) 344 (1.0) 417 (0.7) 0
Died 7355 (11.4) 191 (0.6) 7164 (20.3) 0 7355 (100)
Other or unknown 3147 (4.9) 1205 (4.1) 1942 (5.5) 3147 (5.5) 0
Hospital region
Midwest 11 577 (17.9) 6446 (21.9) 5131 (14.5) <.001 10 672 (18.6) 905 (12.3) <.001
Northeast 34 612 (53.4) 12 279 (41.7) 22 333 (63.3) 29 450 (51.3) 5162 (70.2)
South 15 989 (24.7) 9430 (32.0) 6559 (18.6) 14 912 (26.0) 1077 (14.6)
West 2603 (4.0) 1324 (4.5) 1279 (3.6) 2392 (4.2) 211 (2.9)
Hospital beds, No.
1-199 9934 (15.3) 5526 (18.7) 4408 (12.5) <.001 9246 (16.1) 688 (9.4) <.001
200-499 33 887 (52.3) 16 396 (55.6) 17 491 (49.5) 29 842 (52.0) 4045 (55.0)
≥500 20 960 (32.4) 7557 (25.6) 13 403 (38.0) 18 338 (31.9) 2622 (35.6)
Hospital teaching status
Teaching 38 145 (58.9) 13 847 (47.0) 24 298 (68.8) <.001 33 023 (57.5) 5122 (69.6) <.001
Nonteaching 26 636 (41.1) 15 632 (53.0) 11 004 (31.2) 24 403 (42.5) 2233 (30.4)
Population served
Urban 58 398 (90.1) 25 373 (86.1) 33 025 (93.5) <.001 51 477 (89.6) 6921 (94.1) <.001
Rural 6383 (9.9) 4106 (13.9) 2277 (6.5) 5949 (10.4) 434 (5.9)
Charlson comorbiditiesa
Myocardial infarction 3717 (5.7) 404 (1.4) 3313 (9.4) <.001 2392 (4.2) 1325 (18.0) <.001
Congestive heart failure 6045 (9.3) 744 (2.5) 5301 (15.0) <.001 4173 (7.3) 1872 (25.5) <.001
Peripheral vascular disease 1661 (2.6) 222 (0.8) 1439 (4.1) <.001 1180 (2.1) 481 (6.5) <.001
Cerebrovascular disease 2892 (4.5) 327 (1.1) 2565 (7.3) <.001 2019 (3.5) 873 (11.9) <.001
Dementia 6201 (9.6) 718 (2.4) 5483 (15.5) <.001 4119 (7.2) 2082 (28.3) <.001
Chronic pulmonary disease 10 434 (16.1) 2907 (9.9) 7527 (21.3) <.001 8615 (15.0) 1819 (24.7) <.001
Rheumatologic disease 821 (1.3) 127 (0.4) 694 (2.0) <.001 649 (1.1) 172 (2.3) <.001
Peptic ulcer disease 385 (0.6) 59 (0.2) 326 (0.9) <.001 299 (0.5) 86 (1.2) <.001
Mild liver disease 348 (0.5) 50 (0.2) 298 (0.8) <.001 269 (0.5) 79 (1.1) <.001
Without complications 10 855 (16.8) 2974 (10.1) 7881 (22.3) <.001 9274 (16.1) 1581 (21.5) <.001
With chronic complications 7236 (11.2) 822 (2.8) 6414 (18.2) <.001 5201 (9.1) 2035 (27.7) <.001
Hemiplegia or paraplegia 524 (0.8) 49 (0.2) 475 (1.3) <.001 377 (0.7) 147 (2.0) <.001
Kidney disease 9069 (14.0) 968 (3.3) 8101 (22.9) <.001 6291 (11.0) 2778 (37.8) <.001
Any malignancy, including leukemia or lymphoma 1788 (2.8) 315 (1.1) 1473 (4.2) <.001 1311 (2.3) 477 (6.5) <.001
Moderate or severe liver disease 348 (0.5) 30 (0.1) 318 (0.9) <.001 205 (0.4) 143 (1.9) <.001
Metastatic solid tumor 506 (0.8) 82 (0.3) 424 (1.2) <.001 365 (0.6) 141 (1.9) <.001
AIDS/HIV 252 (0.4) 61 (0.2) 191 (0.5) <.001 215 (0.4) 37 (0.5) 0.09
Charlson Comorbidity Index score, mean (SD)a 1.3 (2.0) 0.5 (1.1) 2.1 (2.3) <.001 1.1 (1.8) 3.1 (2.5) <.001
Charlson comorbidities, No.a
0 32 578 (50.3) 22 036 (74.8) 10 542 (29.9) <.001 31 650 (55.1) 928 (12.6) <.001
1-4 26 351 (40.7) 6875 (23.3) 19 476 (55.2) 21 876 (38.1) 4475 (60.8)
≥5 5852 (9.0) 568 (1.9) 5284 (15.0) 3900 (6.8) 1952 (26.5)
Hypertension 30 236 (46.7) 6803 (23.1) 23 433 (66.4) <.001 24 376 (42.4) 5860 (79.7) <.001
Hyperlipidemia 18 744 (28.9) 3553 (12.1) 15 191 (43.0) <.001 14 844 (25.8) 3900 (53.0) <.001

Abbreviations: IQR, interquartile range; NA, not applicable.


Comorbidities were assessed during both index visit and 6 months prior to index.