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. 2020 Dec 6;17(23):9108. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17239108

Table 2.

Prevalence of reporting fair and poor health values for the whole sample, and for women and men separately.

Variables PR (95%CI) PR (95%CI) PR (95%CI) PR (95%CI)
Total Men Women Total
Constant 0.025 *** (0.018–0.034) 0.020 *** (0.013–0.031) 0.025 *** (0.017–0.039) 0.024 *** (0.017–0.032)
Social Relations
Mobile Phone Bill 0.892 *** (0.871–0942) 0.895 *** (0.874–0.951) 1.003 (0.999–1.005) 1.000 (0.999–1.000)
Mobile Phone Bill*Male 0.999 *** (0.998–1.000)
Weekly Dinners with Family Members 1.018 *** (1.011–1.026) 1.026 *** (1.015–1.038) 1.012 ** (1.002–1.022) 1.015 *** (1.005–1.025)
Weekly Dinners with Family Members*Male 1.007 (0.993–1.021)
Neighbor Help 0.936 *** (0.906–0.967) 0.918 *** (0.872–0.966) 0.952 ** (0.914–0.992) 0.956 ** (0.918–0.996)
Neighbor Help*Male 0.952 (0.893–1.016)
Trust Others 0.882 *** (0.855–0.909) 0.895 *** (0.853–0.939) 0.875 *** (0.841–0.909) 0.872 *** (0.839–0.907)
Trust Others*Male 1.025 (0.964–1.089)
Subjective Feelings
No Feelings of Loneliness 0.724 *** (0.702–0.747) 0.732 *** (0.696–0.770) 0.725 *** (0.697–0.754) 0.723 *** (0.695–0.752)
No Feelings of Loneliness*Male 1.005 (0.945–1.069)
Attachment Towards Community 0.836 *** (0.810–0.864) 0.808 *** (0.767–0.850) 0.861 *** (0.825–0.897) 0.864 *** (0.829–0.901)
Attachment Towards Community*Male 0.928 ** (0.869–0.991)
Organizational Engagement
Has Religious Faith 0.992 (0.952–1.035) 0.936 *(0.866–1.010) 1.028 (0.978–1.081) 1.025 (0.975–1.076)
Has Religious Faith*Male 0.913 ** (0.836–0.998)
Communist Party or Youth League Member 0.898 *** (0.854–0.944) 0.866 *** (0.810–0.926) 0.936 * (0.867–1.011) 0.903 *** (0.838–0.974)
Communist Party or Youth League Member*Male 0.989 (0.898–1.088)
Household Income(per capita) 1.000 (1.000–1.000) 1.000 (1.000–1.000) 1.000 (1.000–1.000) 1.000 (1.000–1.000)
Age 1.097 *** (1.089–1.105) 1.104 *** (1.091–1.117) 1.091 *** (1.081–1.102) 1.097 *** (1.089–1.106)
Age^2 0.999 *** (0.999–0.999) 0.999 *** (0.999–0.999) 0.999 *** (0.999–0.999) 0.999 *** (0.999–0.999)
Male 0.857 *** (0.829–0.885) 0.925 (0.828–1.035)
Marriage Status a
Unmarried 0.887 ** (0.797–0.986) 0.945 (0.832–1.074) 0.788 ** (0.645–0.962) 0.887 ** (0.797–0.986)
Co-habitating 1.337 *** (1.092–1.637) 1.334 *
1.373 ** (1.072–1.757) 1.340 *** (1.095–1.641)
Divorced 1.037 (0.924–1.163) 1.093 (0.941–1.268) 0.952 (0.794–1.141) 1.033 (0.921–1.159)
Widow 0.946 ** (0.897–0.996) 1.046 (0.948–1.153) 0.913 *** (0.858–0.971) 0.947 ** (0.899–0.998)
Employment Status b
Unemployed 1.182 ** (1.003–1.393) 1.206 (0.945–1.538) 1.161 (0.931–1.448) 1.183 ** (1.004–1.394)
Exited Labor Market 1.287 *** (1.242–1.333) 1.441 *** (1.358–1.531) 1.200 *** (1.148–1.253) 1.286 *** (1.242–1.332)
Studying 1.034 (0.838–1.276) 1.087 (0.803–1.469) 1.032 (0.756–1.410) 1.034 (0.838–1.277)
Education Level c
Elementary 0.981 (0.943–1.021) 1.009 (0.948–1.075) 0.959 (0.911–1.010) 0.979 (0.941–1.018)
Junior High 0.878 *** (0.840–0.918) 0.913 *** (0.854–0.976) 0.852 *** (0.802–0.905) 0.876 *** (0.838–0.916)
High School/Secondary/Technical/Vocational 0.795 *** (0.748–0.845) 0.845 *** (0.774–0.921) 0.752 *** (0.689–0.821) 0.792 *** (0.746–0.842)
Junior College 0.745 *** (0.667–0.832) 0.804 *** (0.688–0.940) 0.690 *** (0.589–0.807) 0.741 *** (0.664–0.827)
Bachelor’s Degree and Higher 0.726 *** (0.630–0.836) 0.883 (0.735–1.060) 0.571 *** (0.456–0.716) 0.721 *** (0.626–0.831)
Provincial Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 30,657 15,305 15,352 30,657

Notes: *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1. a Control group is married. b Control group is employed. c Control group is illiterate or semi-illiterate.