EGFR and HER2 dual labeling on SKBR3 cells. (A) Correlative fluorescence microscopy and low magnification bright field scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) of SKBR3 cells labeled for HER2-QD565 and EGFR-QD655. Light microscope images were acquired with a 20× objective and automatically stitched together. The same region is shown in the STEM image at a magnification (M) = 800×. Colored rectangles indicate the magnified areas depicted in (B) highlighting the identified cell surface regions and subtypes of cells for SKBR3: a bulk cell with flat appearing regions (blue frame, arrows), a bulk cell with clustered HER2 expression distributed over the surface of the cells (cyan frame), a bulk cell with large membrane protrusions (arrows), dorsal and lateral ruffles (white frame), and an EGFR enriched cell with clustered regions and large membrane protrusions (arrows) (yellow frame). Colors in the merged images: yellow for HER2 and cyan for EGFR. Scale bars: 50 µm (A) and 20 µm (B).