Fig. 1.
Leukocytes from COVID19 + ICU patients have a unique transcriptional profile compared to leukocytes from COVID19- ICU patients. a Principal component analysis (PCA) plot of total leucocyte (buffy coat) RNA samples derived from COVID19-positive (COVID +) and negative (COVID−) patients after removing the batch effect of date and interaction between date and status, using all principal components and features contributing equally. b Volcano plot of 1311 genes (highlighted) differentially expressed between leucocyte RNA samples derived from COVID19 positive (COVID +) versus negative (COVID−) samples based on a filtering criterion of ± 1.5-Fold change and an FDR step-up p-value cut-off ≤ 0.0545. c Heat map of 1311 genes that were differentially expressed between leucocyte RNA samples derived from COVID19 positive (COVID +) versus negative (COVID−) samples using average linkage, Euclidean distance metric and standardize normalization mode (shift mean to 0 and scale standard deviation to 1 on all features)