Table 4.
Type of Non-User | n (%) | |
All | 237 (100) | |
Never user | 55 (23) | |
Used before | 5 (2) | |
Use the internet with someone else | 113 (48) | |
NA | 64 (27) | |
Reason for not using the internet | n (%) | Number of missing answers |
No need/interest in it | 109 (76) | 93 |
Equipment is too expensive | 32 (24) | 103 |
Internet subscriptions too expensive | 29 (22) | 106 |
Do not know how to use the internet | 109 (77) | 95 |
For security or integrity reasons | 37 (29) | 108 |
No possibility for broadband where I live | 7 (5) | 105 |
No time/too busy | 13 (10) | 110 |
Other reasons | 62 (50) | 112 |