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. 2021 Feb;120:107550. doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2020.107550

Table 4.

Participants at the restricted interlaboratory comparison study, instruments, instrumental settings and software packages used by each laboratory.

Name of Laboratory Country Instrument Software Pump Flow Rates [mL min−1] Dwell Time [μs] Transport Efficiency [%]
Sciensano Belgium Agilent 8800 Rikilt Calculation Sheet 0.473 3000 6.5
Max Rubner-Institut (MRI) – Karlsruhe Germany Thermo iCAP Q Thermo Qtegra with npQuant plugin &Rikilt Calculation Sheet 0.31 3000 7.3
National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark Denmark Agilent 8900 Single Nanoparticle Application Module of the Agilent ICP-MS MassHunter software 4.5 0.339 100 5.2
Service Commun des Laboratoires (SCL) France Perkin Elmer Nexion 300 and Perkin Elmer Nexion 2000 Syngistix V1.1 and Syngistix V2.3 0.18 100 9–12
Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) - Rome Italy Perkin Elmer Nexion 350D Syngistix V2.3 0.277 100 11.2
WFSR - Wageningen University & Research Netherlands Perkin Elmer Nexion 350D Syngistix V1.1 0.171 100 11.2
Joint Research Centre of the European Commission - Ispra/Italy European Commission Perkin Elmer Nexion 300D Syngistix V1.1 0.169 100 12.0