Fig. 1.
Increased presence of FAP-positive cells in human malignant gliomas. a FAP RNA levels (RNAseq) in GBM and normal brain. Analysis of TCGA GBM data (N = 166) and GTEx normal brain tissue data (N = 1141) using UCSC Xena. ****p < 0.0001 (t test). b FAP RNA levels in different grades of adult glioma. Analysis of the TCGA and CGGA datasets at GlioVis. N = 515 for lower-grade gliomas and N = 152 for grade IV (GBM) in TCGA. ***p < 0.001 (pairwise comparisons of Tukey’s Honest Significant Difference). c Kaplan–Meier analysis of overall survival of patients with gliomas using the TCGA and CGGA datasets. d Representative images of FAP immunohistochemistry (IHC) in GBM, showing two different staining patterns, perivascular/circular (left) and scattered/parenchymal (right). See Additional file 1: S1 for additional data on FAP IHC. e, f 2D-tSNE presentation of cell cluster mapping based on single cell RNAseq data of GBM (36 and (e), and mapping of FAP mRNA on to the same tSNE map (f). Cells with differing phenotypes are color-coded in e