Figure 2.
10-Fold cross-validation and contribution of individual predictor variables. Panel A depicts a bar graph showing the proportion of variance explained in the 10-fold cross-validation analyses predicting the six subscales and the overall disability score on the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS) in the initial enrollment and follow-up datasets. Panel B depicts a bar graph showing the proportion of variance in overall disability scores explained in the initial enrollment dataset by the 12 predictor variables independently using bivariate Pearson r correlations. Predictors are shown in the descending order used in the following iterative analysis. Panel C depicts the proportion of variance in overall disability scores explained when independent predictors are iteratively added to the 10-fold cross-validation regression analyses starting with current PTSD diagnosis and progressively adding predictors. Cross-validation was run on initial enrollment data (grey diamonds), and the average beta weights. were used to predict functional disability scores in the follow-up dataset (black circles). The light grey squares show the average proportion of variance explained from all permutations of N predictors at each level.
*p < .05 and ** p < .01 for the initial enrollment dataset. UC = Understanding and Communicating (Cognition domain); GA = Moving and Getting Around (Mobility domain); SC = Self-Care domain; GAWP = Getting Along with People domain; LA = Life Activities domain; PS = Participating in Society (Participation domain); Depr = Depressive disorders; Anx = anxiety disorders; Edu = education; Subst = substance use disorder