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. 2020 Dec 11;15(12):e0242687. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0242687

Fig 3.

Fig 3

Ordination of Protected Areas (PAs) relative to NMDS Axis I versus II (A and B), and Axis II versus III (C and D). The colors represent PA categories: orange–Environmental Protection Areas; black–Ecological Stations; red–National Forests; green–National Parks; blue–Biological Reserves; brown–Extractive Reserves. Methods: Part-Work–participatory workshops or interviews with residents or beneficiaries; Sec-Data–secondary data on the interior of the PA (little information); Man-Stud–specific management studies; Rap-Surv–primary data from rapid surveys for the MP; Sec-Res–secondary data from PA research programs. Threat—identification of biodiversity threats; Class—classification of PA environments; Themes—integrated analysis of the different diagnostic themes. Axes are scaled according to Pearson's correlation coefficients (vectors) between each method and the Axis. Due to a large number of overlapping, data points were 'jittered' on both axes, by adding random noise to their coordinates.