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. 2020 Dec 7;13:1411–1426. doi: 10.2147/IJGM.S200929

Table 1.

Characteristics of Included Systematic Reviews, for Eligible Interventions

Review Date of Search Population
No. Included Studies
Mean Age
% Male
Time Post-Stroke (Mean)
Intervention Comparison Outcomes (Measurement Scale)
Appel et al (2014)26 2013, June Adults with reduced upper limb function post-stroke
4 RCTs, 1 quasi-RCT
Mean age (range): 62–79
% male: NR
Post-stroke: NR
Shoulder strapping Placebo/no strapping Pain: pain intensity (VAS), pain-free days (RAI), upper limb function (MAS)
Chau et al (2018)30 2017, August Parallel or crossover RCTs, shoulder pain after stroke or shoulder–hand syndrome
19 RCTs conventional, 5 RCTs electro, 2 RCTs fire eedle, 1 RCT arm eedle
Age: 42.8–69.5 years
% male: 56.1
Time post-stroke: 17–29 days
  • Conventional

  • Electro

  • Fire Needle

  • Warm Needle

in addition to usual care
Usual care (including stroke rehabilitation, rehab exercises and herbal medicine) Pain: pain intensity (“standard subjective scales” including VAS), pain-free external rotation (degrees)
Function: upper limb function (FMA), physical function (Barthel index)
Koog et al (2010)32 2008, June Shoulder pain post-stroke
Age: 61.9
% male: 36.7
Time post-stroke: mostly ≤ 3 months
Aromatherapy (1 RCT) Placebo or usual care (including acupressurea) Pain: pain intensity (VAS35)
Lim et al (2015)28 2014, August Shoulder pain post-stroke
3 RCTs
Age: NR
% male: NR
Time post-stroke: NR
Bee venom acupuncture Saline injection or usual care (1 RCT: AT, medications, moxibustion, physio) Pain: pain intensity (VAS)
Nadler et al (2017)33 2016, March Adults with shoulder pain post-stroke
Mean age: NR
% male: NR
Time post-stroke: NR
Shoulder orthoses Usual care Pain: pain intensity (SHSS- pain)
Qiu et al (2019)31 2018, January Hemiplegic shoulder pain
6 RCTs
Mean age range: 53–66 years
% male: NR
Time post-stroke: 16.5 days – 2.1 years
Electrical stimulation
  • Surface

  • Percutaneous

Placebo (sham) and/or usual care (including physio, hemi sling, acupuncture) Pain: pain intensity (VAS, BPI), pain-free external rotation (degrees)
Function: activities of daily living (Barthel index)
Singh et al (2010)34,82 2010, January Adults with shoulder spasticity post-stroke
4 RCTs
Mean age: NR
% male: NR
Time post-stroke: NR
Botulinum toxin injection Placebob Pain: pain intensity (VAS or verbal rating scale), pain-free external rotation (degrees)

Notes: a Acupressure included as a component of standard care in both intervention and control arms. bTENS included as a component of standard care in both intervention and control arms in 1 trial.

Abbreviations: BPI, brief pain inventory; FMA, Fugl–Meyer Motor Assessment; MAS, Motor Assessment Scale; Physio, physiotherapy; NR, not reported; QOL, quality of life; RAI, Ritchie Articular Index; Rehab, rehabilitation; RCTs, randomized controlled trials; SHSS, Shoulder Hand Sub-Score; SS-QOL, Stroke Specific Quality of Life; VAS, visual analogue scale.