Table 1.
Different cutoffs of the MetS criteria from scientific societies, based on Corneir et al, 2008.5
Scientific society | WHO | IDF | EGIR | AACE | NCEP:ATPIII | |
Main criteria | Insulin levels increasedIFG or IGT | Central obesity as defined by ethnic/racial, specific WC | Top 25% of the fasting insulin values among nondiabetic individuals | IGT | Three or more of the following: | |
And two or more of the following: | Body fat features | WHR > 0.9BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2WC > 37 inches | N/D | WC in men: ≥ 94 cmWC in women ≥80 cm | N/D | WC in men: >40 inchesWC in women: >35 inches |
Lipid profile | Triglycerides > 150 mg/dLHDL-C <35 mg/dL | Triglycerides ≥150 mg/dLHDL-C in men: < 40 mg/dLHDL-C in women: <50 mg/dL | Triglycerides ≥ 2.0 mmol/LHDL-C <1.0 mg/dL | Triglycerides ≥150 mg/dLHDL-C in men: <40 mg/dLHDL-C in women: <50 mg/dL | Triglycerides ≥150 mg/dLHDL-C in men: <40 mg/dLHDL-C in women: <50 mg/dL | |
Blood pressure | BP >140/90 mm Hg | BP ≥130/85 mm Hg | BP ≥140/90 mm Hg or antihypertensive medication | BP ≥130/85 mm Hg | BP ≥130/85 mm Hg | |
Glucose profile | N/D | FPG ≥ 100 mg/dL | Fasting glucose ≥6.1 mmol/L | N/D | FPG ≥100 mg/dL |
AACE = American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists; BMI = body mass index; BP = blood pressure; EGIR = European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance; FPG = fasting plasma glucose; HDL-C = high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; IDF = International Diabetes Federation; IFG = impaired fasting glucose; IGT = impaired glucose tolerance; N/D = not defined; NCEP:ATPIII = National Cholesterol Education Program, Adult Treatment Panel III; WC = waist circumference; WHO = World Health Organization; WHR = waist-to-hip ratio.