Figure 2. NLRP3 inflammasome activation in non-RPE cells but not in RPE cells promotes CNV.
(A) Nuclear Cre immunostaining (white) in choroidal flat mounts from 6-weeks-old VegfahyperBest1Cre/+Nlrp3A350V/A350V mice confirms uniform Cre expression in the RPE. Inset shows higher magnification image. No Cre staining is seen in VegfahyperCrenegNlrp3A350V/A350V mice ( = VegfahyperNlrp3-/- mice). Scale bars, 200 μm. (B-C). CNV lesion numbers and average CNV lesion area (in μm2/lesion) were measured in 6-weeks-old mice. VegfahyperNlrp3-/- mice (group 2) and VegfahyperBest1Cre/+Nlrp3A350V/A350V mice (group 3) show significantly decreased CNV lesion numbers compared to Vegfahyper mice (group 1), but no significant difference in CNV lesion sizes. CNV lesion sizes and numbers between VegfahyperNlrp3-/- mice and VegfahyperBest1Cre/+Nlrp3A350V/A350V mice are similar. No marked differences in lesion sizes or lesion numbers were observed among male or female groups of VegfahyperNlrp3-/- mice and VegfahyperBest1Cre/+Nlrp3A350V/A350V mice. VegfahyperCasp1-/-Casp11-/- mice (group 4) have fewer CNV lesions than VegfahyperNlrp3-/- mice or VegfahyperBest1Cre/+Nlrp3A350V/A350V mice. Values represent total CNV lesion numbers/eye for each mouse and average lesion area/eye for each mouse. Absolute numbers of mice per group are indicated in parentheses. Graphs show mean ± SEM. P-values are shown and were determined by a Kruskal-Wallis test followed by a Dunn’s test.