Table 1.
Clinical features, investigations, treatment, and outcome of 14 positive SARS-CoV-2 cases.
S. No. | Patient demographic | Neurological presentation | Associated COVID-19 symptoms | Positive SARS-CoV-2 test type | Relevant blood investigations and radiologic findings | Neurological investigations (CSF findings, neuroimaging) | Treatment and outcome |
Cerebrovascular accidents | |||||||
1 | 55 yr F | Patient presented with left hemiparesis with global aphasia. | Two weeks after the stroke developed fever with dyspnoea. | Upper Respiratory swab PCR | Increased total cell count with neutrophilic leucocytosis. Mildly deranged transaminases with deranged INR (2.54). CRP was raised. D-dimer was raised. Chest X ray showed an opaque left hemi thorax suggestive of a collapse/consolidation. |
CT brain showed right malignant MCA infarct. MRA showed MCA main stem occlusion | Treated conservatively for stroke. After development of COVID-19 symptoms required intubation and mechanical ventilator. Died within 2 days of diagnosis of COVID-19. |
2 | 70 yr F | Patient presented with sudden onset left hemiparesis (lower limb more than upper limb), NIHSS 6 at the time of admission with a window period of 3.5 h. | Cough and sore throat at the time of admission. | Upper Respiratory swab PCR | Normal blood counts and other parameters. CRP was raised. Ferritin Normal. | Infarct in right centrum semiovale. Left CCA showing 30% stenosis. | Was thrombolysed with alteplase. Post-thrombolysis her NIHSS improved from 6 to 4. She was treated with azithromycin, hydroxychloroquine, and was discharged on day 15 post-admission. |
Meningoencephalitis | |||||||
3 | 15 yr M | Patient presented with fever and headache from 5 days prior to admission. | Sore throat, diarrhea, and fever 5 days prior to admission. | Upper Respiratory swab PCR positivity, negative CSF PCR |
Routine investigations were normal. | CSF study revealed an opening pressure of 30 cm of water, 12 cells (60% lymphocytes, and 40% neutrophils) with normal sugar, protein levels. Negative culture and Virology results with a negative TB PCR. MRI brain was normal. | Empirically started on acyclovir but had disabling headache. Put on dexamethasone, topiramate, acetazolamide. Required a repeat lumbar puncture for therapeutic purpose. Discharged on tapering dose of dexamethasone, acetazolamide, and topiramate. One month into follow up patient is symptom free and not on any medication. |
4 | 35 yr F | Presented with new onset focal seizures with impaired awareness, acute onset memory impairment. | Fever 7 days prior to presentation. | Upper Respiratory swab PCR positivity, negative CSF PCR |
Routine investigations normal. | CSF study 100 cells with 90% lymphocytes and mildly raised protein (56mg/dl). Negative cultures and virology panel. MRI showed T2/Flair hyperintensity in left temporo-occipital lobe, hippocampus with diffusion restriction, and right frontal periventricular white matter T2 flair hyperintensity (Figure 1). EEG showed generalized slowing. | Empirically started on acyclovir and levetiracetam. Then put on dexamethasone. Discharged after 14 days of inpatient stay with a diagnosis of probable COVID-19 encephalitis. |
5 | 38 yr M | Presented with fever, headache, altered behavior. | Fever 5 days prior to admission. | Upper Respiratory swab PCR positivity, negative CSF PCR |
Routine investigations normal. | Lumbar puncture showed 200 cells with 90% lymphocytes with increased protein. Negative cultures and virology pattern. Negative TB PCR. MRI brain with contrast normal. | Treated empirically with acyclovir but gradual improvement in symptoms, no other treatment given. |
6 | 23 yr M | Presented with headache, fever, altered sensorium. | Fever, myalgia, vomiting, abdominal pain five days prior to admission. | Upper Respiratory swab PCR positivity, negative CSF PCR |
Normal counts. Deranged liver function Tests, hyponatremia. CXR showed opacities (Figure 2). |
CSF showed 94 cells 80% neutrophils and normal sugar and protein. MRI brain normal/CT Normal. Negative culture and viral serology. TB PCR negative. |
Treated with anti tubercular drugs, acyclovir and dexamethasone. |
Other neurological diseases with COVID-19 | |||||||
7 | 70 yr F | Patient diagnosed case of tubercular meningitis presented with altered sensorium. | Fever Shortness of breath |
Upper Respiratory swab PCR. Initial test was Negative | Normal counts with hyponatremia. Rest investigations within normal limit. CT chest showed consolidation in bilateral upper zone and right lower zone. |
CSF study showed 140 cells with 90% lymphocytes with normal sugar and increased protein (112 mg/dl). Neuroimaging consistent with TBM with hydrocephalus. |
Treated with dexamethasone, anti-tubercular drugs, mannitol, and acetazolamide. She was referred for neurosurgical intervention. |
8 | 25 yr F | Diagnosed case of Tubercular Meningitis with CNS Tuberculoma on treatment presented with status epilepticus. | Fever, Myalgia, Dyspnea 4 days prior to admission. | Upper Respiratory swab PCR | Neutrophilic leucocytosis with hypokalemia, CXR showing right lower zone opacities. | MRI brain with contrast suggestive of Tuberculoma. EEG suggestive of generalized epileptiform discharges. CSF normal study. |
Treated for status epilepticus, Anti tubercular drugs, recovered and discharged. |
9 | 15 yr F | Seizures and myoclonus | Asymptomatic | Upper Respiratory swab PCR | Normal investigations. | CSF showed 2 cells with normal sugar and protein. EEG showed slow periodic 2-3Hz discharges. CSF IgG positive for measles antibody |
Diagnosed as SSPE - Treated with valproate, levetiracetam. She was asymptomatic. Discharged after monitoring. |
10 | 53 yr M | Presented with status epilepticus and altered mental status. | Asymptomatic | Upper Respiratory swab PCR | Increased counts. Deranged Liver function test. CXR showed Bilateral middle zone opacities. |
Gliosis in left fronto parietal lobes. CSF normal study. |
Treated for status epilepticus with IV antibiotics and hydroxychloroquine, recovered well and discharged. |
11 | 45 yr M | Diabetic patient presented with right eye ptosis, complete ophthalmoplegia, anosmia, ageusia with headache. | Fever and running nose 10 days prior to admission. | Upper Respiratory swab PCR positivity, negative CSF PCR |
Leucocytosis with other normal blood parameters. | Neuroimaging revealed right side cavernous sinus thrombosis with pansinusitis. CSF study showed 35 cells with 90% lymphocytes and normal sugar and protein. Negative for culture and virology. TB-PCR negative. | Treated with IV antibiotics and IV amphoterecin B on suspicion of fungal cavernous sinus thrombosis. |
12 | 48 yr F | Diabetic patient presented with altered sensorium and non-convulsive status. | Asymptomatic | Upper Respiratory swab PCR | Leucocytosis with raised blood sugar and serum osmolality. CXR was normal. |
Neuroimaging showed bilateral caudate hyperdensities with hypodensity in left basal ganglia. EEG showing generalized epileptiform discharges. CSF study was normal. |
On treatment with IV anti epileptics, insulin infusion. |
13 | 65 yr M | Peripheral nervous system manifestationPresented with paraparesis with progressing weakness to upper limb and dysphagia. | Fever, ageusia five days prior to presentation. Cough present at the time of admission. |
Upper Respiratory swab PCR | Neutrophilic Leucocytosis with Thrombocytosis. Hyponatremia. CXR Normal. |
Demyelination with secondary axonal changes in nerve conduction studies. | On Intravenous immunoglobulin. |
14 | 30 yr M | Loss of smell and taste. | Asymptomatic | Upper Respiratory swab PCR | Normal | Normal | Isolation and hydroxychloroquine for 5 days. |