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. 2020 Nov 23;11:551921. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2020.551921

Table 1.

Demographic, behavioral, and clinical characteristics in the total sample of people with HIV and by sex.

Total Men Women
(N = 1,666) (n = 1,465) (n = 201)
n (%) n (%) n (%) P-value
Age, M (SD) 41.7 (9.8) 41.9 (9.8) 40.7 (9.6) 0.09
Years of education, M (SD) 13.3 (2.7) 13.5 (2.7) 12.0 (2.5) <0.001
WRAT-4, M (SD) 99.1 (13.5) 99.8 (13.3) 93.5 (13.2) <0.001
Race <0.001
   White 971 (58) 890 (61) 81 (40)
   Black 314 (19) 259 (18) 55 (28)
   Hispanic 299 (18) 246 (17) 53 (26)
   Other 82 (5) 70 (4) 12 (6)
IADL dependence 2.5 (2.9) 2.4 (2.8) 2.9 (3.1) 0.03
BDI-II 13.5 (10.4) 13.5 (10.4) 13.5 (9.9) 0.99
DSM-IV (CIDI) diagnoses
   Current 224 (19) 203 (19) 21 (18) 0.94
   Lifetime 572 (48) 510 (48) 572 (48) 0.24
Alcohol (current or lifetime*) 72 (6) 66 (6) 6 (5) 0.84
Cannabis (current or lifetime*) 63 (5) 60 (6) 3 (3) 0.25
Substance use (current or lifetime*) 691 (73) 627 (73) 64 (71) 0.74
Anticholinergic medications 422 (25) 367 (25) 55 (27) 0.53
Hypertension 334 (21) 298 (21) 36 (18) 37
Hyperlipidemia 219 (14) 193 (14) 26 (13) 0.9
Diabetes 82 (5) 70 (5) 12 (6) 0.64
HCV 317 (20) 259 (18) 58 (29) <0.001
Log plasma viral load, M (SD) 3.1 (1.3) 3.1 (1.3) 3.1 (1.2) 0.83
CD4 count, M (SD)
   Current 429.0 (296.9) 426.9 (295.8) 443.7 (305.3) 0.46
   Nadir 229.9 (219.9) 250.4 (231.8) 232.4 (221.4) 0.21
Duration of HIV disease, M (SD) 9.1 (7.8) 9.3 (8.0) 7.0 (5.6) 0.005
AIDS diagnosis 969 (58) 854 (59) 115 (57) 0.07
On ART 966 (60) 857 (60) 109 (56) 0.3

M, mean; SD, standard deviation; ART, antiretroviral therapy; WRAT-4, Wide Range Achievement Test; IADL, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living; BDI, Beck depression inventory; CIDI, Composite International Diagnostic Interview; HCV, Hepatitis C.


Current or Lifetime Use disorder (abuse or dependence).