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. 2020 Oct 1;37(Suppl 1):19. doi: 10.11604/pamj.supp.2020.37.1.25688

Table 2(suite 1).

knowledge of respondents towards COVID-19

Items Qualifications Total Missing values n/N (%) P-Value (Anova/Khi2)
Nurses, Midwifes, assimilated workers Biologists, and assimilated workers n (%) Administrators, and assimilated workers WASH and assimilated workers Physicians, Pharmacists, and Dentists
Chloroquine/Hydroxychloroquine is effective in preventing and treating COVID-19 14/464 (3.0) P=0.001*
No 81(31.8) 33(40.8) 10(18.9) 7(22.6) 18(60.0) 149(33.1)
Doesn't know 101(39.6) 24(29.6) 16(30.2) 13(41.9) 5(16.7) 159(35.3)
Yes 73(28.6) 24(29.6) 27(50.9) 11(35.5) 7(23.3) 142(31.6)
Total 255(100.0) 81(100.0) 53(100.0) 31(100.0) 30(100.0) 450(100.0)
Azithromycin is effective in preventing and treating COVID-19 patients 14/464 (3.0) P=0.0001*
No 84(32.6) 29(35.8) 10(19.2) 3(10.3) 19(63.3) 145(32.2)
Doesn't know 104(40.3) 26(32.1) 31(59.6) 16(55.2) 5(16.7) 182(44.5)
Yes 70(27.1) 26(32.1) 11(21.2) 10(34.5) 6(20.0) 123(27.3)
Total 258(100.0) 81(100.0) 52(100.0) 29(100.0) 30(100.0) 450(100.0)
Zinc is effective in preventing COVID-19 17/464 (3.7) P=0.01*
No 101(39.7) 33(40.2) 8(15.4) 8(26.7) 16(55.2) 166(37.1)
Doesn't know 116(45.7) 40(48.8) 34(65.4) 17(56.7) 8(27.6) 215(48.1)
Yes 37(14.6) 9(11.0) 10(19.2) 5(7.6) 5(17.2) 66(14.8)
Total 254(100.0) 82(100.0) 52(100.0) 30(100.0) 29(100.0) 447(100.0)
Herbal remedies (31protects against COVID-19 6/464 (1.3) P = 0.05*
No 57(21.9) 18(21.7) 14(25.9) 4(12.9) 11(36.7) 104(22.7)
Doesn't know 113(43.5) 30(36.1) 26(48.2) 10(32.3) 6(20.0) 185(40.4)
Yes 90(34.6) 35(42.2) 14(25.9) 17(54.8) 13(43.3) 169(36.9)
Total 260(100.0) 83(100.0) 54(100.0) 31(100.0) 30(100.0) 458(100.0)
All currents treatments regimens for COVID-19 are only supportive 17/464 (3.7) P = 0.51
No (false) 60(23.4) 16(20.0) 14(26.4) 4(13.8) 9(31.0) 103(23.1)
Doesn't know 64(25.0) 15(18.7) 15(28.3) 8(27.6) 4(13.8) 106(23.7)
Yes (true) 132(51.6) 49(61.3) 24(46.3) 17(58.6) 16(55.2) 238(53.2)
Total 256(100.0) 80(100.0) 53(100.0) 29(100.0) 29(100.0) 447(100.0)
Warm climates are protective against SARS CoV-2 6/464 (1.3) P = 0.008*
No (false) 145(55.8) 51(61.4) 23(42.6) 14(45.1) 24(80.0) 257(56.1)
Doesn't know 71(27.3) 12(14.5) 17(31.5) 9(29.1) 1(3.3) 110(24.0)
Yes (true) 44(16.9) 20(24.1) 14(25.9) 8(25.8) 5(16.7) 91(19.9)
Total 260(100.0) 83(100.0) 54(100.0) 31(100.0) 30(100.0) 458(100.0)
COVID-19 corpses are highly contagious 14/464 (3.0) P = 0.32
No (false) 9(3.5) 4(4.8) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 1(3.4) 14(3.1)
Doesn't know 29(11.4) 4(4.8) 3(5.7) 2(6.7) 1(3.4) 39(8.7)
Yes (true) 217(85.1) 75(90.4) 50(94.3) 28(93.3) 27(93.2) 397(88.2)
Total 255(100.0) 83(100.0) 53(100.0) 30(100.0) 29(100.0) 450(100.0)

Statistically significant difference; MTCT: Mother -to-child transmission; HAART: highly active Antiretroviral therapy; PLWA: people living with human Immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; NA: not applicable