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. 2020 Oct 1;37(Suppl 1):19. doi: 10.11604/pamj.supp.2020.37.1.25688

Table 2(suite 2).

knowledge of respondents towards COVID-19

Items Qualifications Total Missing values n/N (%) P-Value (Anova/Khi2)
Nurses, Midwifes, assimilated workers Biologists, and assimilated workers n (%) Administrators, and assimilated workers WASH and assimilated workers Physicians, Pharmacists, and Dentists
COVID-19 corpses should be immediately buried by family members of the deceased 6/464 (1.3) P = 0.01*
No (false) 92(35.4) 37(44.6) 17(31.5) 6(19.4) 18(60.0) 170(37.1)
Doesn't know 52(20.0) 17(20.5) 9(16.7) 4(12.9) 4(13.3) 86(18.8)
Yes (true) 116(44.6) 29(34.9) 28(51.8) 21(67.7) 8(26.7) 202(44.1)
Total 260(100.0) 83(100.0) 54(100.0) 31(100.0) 30(100.0) 458(100.0)
Notification to authorities of any COVID-19-suspected death in community is mandatory 6/464 (1.3) P = 0.10
No (false) 32(12.3) 5(6.0) 5(9.3) 6(19.4) 7(23.3) 55(12.0)
Doesn't know 20(7.7) 3(3.6) 1(1.8) 2(6.4) 1(3.3) 27(5.9)
Yes (true) 208(80.0) 75(90.4) 48(88.9) 23(74.2) 22(73.4) 376(82.1)
Total 260(100.0) 83(100.0) 54(100.0) 31(100.0) 30(100.0) 458(100.0)
The time lapse between death and burial of COVID-19 victims should be the shortest possible 6/464 (1.3) P = 0.19
No (false) 36(13.8) 5(6.0) 9(16.7) 1(3.2) 5(16.7) 56(12.2)
Doesn't know 28(10.8) 5(6.0) 5(9.2) 3(9.7) 1(3.3) 42(9.2)
Yes (true) 196(75.4) 73(88.0) 40(74.1) 27(87.1) 24(80.0) 360(78.6)
Total 260(100.0) 83(100.0) 54(100.0) 31(100.0) 30(100.0) 458(100.0)
COVID-19 corpses belong to state authorities who are in charge of burying them 6/464 (1.3) P = 0.37
No (false) 9(3.5) 1(1.2) 2(3.7) 1(3.2) 1(3.3) 14(2.1)
Doesn't know 32(12.3) 3(3.6) 4(7.4) 3(9.7) 1(3.3) 43(9.4)
Yes (true) 219(84.2) 79(95.2) 48(88.9) 27(87.1) 28(93.4) 401(87.5)
Total 260(100.0) 83(100.0) 54(100.0) 31(100.0) 30(100.0) 458(100.0)

Statistically significant difference; MTCT: mother -to-child transmission; HAART: highly active antiretroviral therapy; PLWA: people living with human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; NA: not applicable