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. 2019 Nov 8;3(1):41–50. doi: 10.31662/jmaj.2019-0042

Table 1.

Demographic Characteristics and Social and Health Status by BMI Quartile.

Male (n = 391) Female (n = 537)
14.5 ≤ bmi < 22.8
22.8 ≤ bmi < 26.2
26.2 ≤ bmi < 30.3
30.3 ≤ bmi ≤ 52.3
13.9 ≤ bmi < 25.6
25.6 ≤ bmi < 30.1
30.1 ≤ bmi < 33.8
33.8 ≤ bmi ≤ 61.1
% n
% n
% n
% p-value n
% n
% n
% n
% p-value
Age class
18–29 30 30.9 27 27.8 20 20.0 12 12.4 0.350 50 38.2 28 20.4 22 16.8 20 14.5 0.002
30–39 21 21.7 22 22.7 24 24.0 23 23.7 27 20.6 37 27.0 33 25.2 35 25.4
40–49 19 19.6 19 19.6 25 25.0 26 26.8 18 13.7 24 17.5 23 17.6 29 21.0
50–59 16 16.5 16 16.5 19 19.0 24 24.7 26 19.9 28 20.4 40 30.5 37 26.8
60–69 11 11.3 13 13.4 12 12.0 12 12.4 10 7.6 20 14.6 13 9.9 17 12.3
iTaukei 34 35.1 53 54.6 56 56.0 73 75.3 <.0001 62 47.3 89 65.0 84 64.1 111 80.4 <.0001
Fijian of Indian descent 62 63.9 40 41.2 40 40.0 20 20.6 68 57.9 47 34.3 42 32.1 22 15.9
Fijian of other descent 1 1.0 4 4.1 4 4.0 4 4.1 1 0.8 1 0.7 5 3.8 5 3.6
Primary school completed or less 53 54.6 43 44.33 35 35.0 39 40.2 0.091 58 44.3 57 41.6 64 48.9 59 42.8 0.893
Secondary school completed 33 34.0 36 37.1 40 40.0 35 36.1 53 40.5 59 43.1 52 39.7 57 41.3
College/University completed or higher 11 11.3 18 18.6 25 25.0 23 23.7 20 15.3 21 15.3 15 11.5 22 15.9
Marital status
Never married 37 38.1 21 21.7 21 21.0 15 15.5 0.008 27 20.6 11 8.0 12 9.2 15 10.9 0.035
Currently married 57 58.8 70 72.2 70 70.0 73 75.3 89 67.9 106 77.4 96 73.3 100 72.5
Others 3 3.1 6 6.2 6 9.0 9 9.3 15 11.5 20 14.1 23 17.6 23 16.7
Main work in the past 12 months
Farmer 31 32.0 27 27.8 15 15.0 16 16.5 0.114 1 0.8 0 0.0 2 1.5 0 0.0 <.0001
Fisher 0 0.0 2 2.1 1 1.0 2 2.1 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.8 0 0.0
Forestry 2 2.1 3 3.1 0 0.0 1 1.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Office worker 4 4.1 0 0.0 7 7.0 5 5.2 5 3.8 3 2.2 2 1.5 9 6.5
Professional 8 8.3 10 10.3 12 12.0 14 14.4 2 1.5 6 4.4 4 3.1 9 6.5
Service industry 13 13.4 12 12.4 22 22.0 17 17.5 4 3.1 5 3.7 3 2.3 6 4.4
Student 4 4.1 7 7.2 3 3.0 1 1.0 20 15.3 2 1.5 1 0.8 4 2.9
Housewife 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.0 81 61.8 86 62.8 92 70.2 77 55.8
Other 26 26.8 26 26.8 33 33.0 30 30.9 9 6.9 28 20.4 19 14.5 26 18.8
No occupation 9 9.3 10 10.3 7 7.0 10 10.3 9 6.9 7 5.1 7 5.3 7 5.1
Subjective living status
Wealthy or Very comfortable 16 16.5 18 18.6 25 25.0 21 21.7 0.806 35 26.7 31 22.6 25 19.1 28 20.3 0.624
Reasonably comfortable 47 48.5 49 50.5 45 45.0 48 49.5 46 35.1 60 43.8 58 44.3 56 40.6
Just getting along or less 34 35.1 30 30.9 30 30.0 28 28.9 50 38.2 46 33.6 48 36.6 54 39.0
Nutritional status
Categories of HbA1c level, % †
HbA1c < 5.6 61 62.9 62 63.9 60 60.0 64 66.0 0.377 88 67.2 98 71.5 83 63.4 86 62.3 0.143
5.6 ≤ HBb1c < 6.5 26 26.8 18 18.6 19 19.0 20 20.6 24 18.3 24 17.5 22 16.8 36 26.1
6.5 ≤ HbA1c or medication 10 10.3 17 17.5 21 21.0 13 13.4 19 14.5 15 11.0 26 19.9 16 11.6
Categories of blood pressure level, mmHg ‡
Normal 53 54.6 32 33.0 19 19.0 11 11.3 <.0001 88 67.2 49 35.8 33 25.2 23 16.7 <.0001
Pre-hypertension 38 39.2 55 56.7 62 62.0 60 61.9 34 26.0 69 50.4 70 53.4 65 47.1
Hypertension 6 6.2 10 10.3 19 19.0 26 26.8 9 6.9 19 13.9 28 21.4 50 36.2

Data are expressed as number and percent (%). The p-values were calculated using chi-square test.

† Categories of HbA1c levels: HbA1c ≥ 6.5 or controlled by medication; 6.5 > HBb1c ≥ 5.6; 5.6 > HBb1c

‡ Categories of blood pressure levels: Hypertension; SBP ≥ 140 and DBP ≥ 90 or controlled by medication, Pre-hypertension; 140 > SBP ≥ 120 or 90 > DBP ≥ 80, Normal; 120 > SBP and 80 > DBP