Fig. 4.
Pathway specificity of LFP power and MUA modulation. (A–H) Unpredicted vs. predicted percent change in LFP power for the preferred and nonpreferred stimulus. (A) Deep layers in the gamma band (40 to 90 Hz), (B ) superficial layers in the gamma band, (C) deep layers in the beta band (15 to 30 Hz), (D) superficial layers in the beta band, (E) deep layers in the alpha band (8 to 14 Hz), (F) superficial layers in the alpha band, (G) deep layers in the theta band (2 to 6 Hz), (H) superficial layers in the theta band. (I) MUA modulation of deep cortical layers in area V4, unpredictable minus predictable during the sample interval, (J) same as I, but for superficial layers. Mean ± SEM. Red asterisk denotes significant (P < 0.05) differences between neural modulation of preferred vs. nonpreferred samples.