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. 2020 Apr 9;16(11):2789–2799. doi: 10.1080/21645515.2020.1735225

Table 1.

Study participants’ characteristics (n = 1,135)

  Providers who don’t vaccinate pregnant women in their practice (n = 503)a
Providers who vaccinate pregnant women in their practice (n = 632)a
Total (n = 1135)
Characteristics N % N % N % P value
 Family Physician/General practitioner 66 13.1 236 37.3 302 26.6 <.0001
 Obstetrician-gynecologist 200 39.8 73 11.6 273 24.1
 Midwife 190 37.8 28 4.4 218 19.2
 Nurse 26 5.2 194 30.7 220 19.4
 Pharmacist 18 3.6 95 15.0 113 10.0
 Other 3 0.6 6 0.9 9 0.8
 Male 57 11.3 54 8.6 111 9.8 .016
 Female 433 86.1 568 90.6 1001 88.6
 Other 13 2.6 5 0.8 18 1.6
Number of years of practice
 Less than a year 50 10.0 35 5.6 85 7.5 <.0001
 1–9 y 192 38.3 211 33.5 403 35.6
 10–19 y 141 28.1 155 24.6 296 26.2
 20–29 y 68 13.6 125 19.8 193 17.1
 ≥30 y 50 10.0 104 16.5 154 13.6
Professional training
 Mostly received in Canada 447 89.4 592 94.6 1039 92.3 .0016
 Mostly received outside Canada 53 10.6 34 5.4 87 7.7
N of pregnant patients seen each week
 21 or more 291 58.4 171 27.5 462 41.3 <.0001
 From 11 to 20 107 21.5 96 15.4 203 18.1
 From 6 to 10 54 10.8 130 20.9 184 16.4
 5 or less 46 9.2 225 36.2 271 24.2
 Missing 5 - 10 - 15 -  
Have received the flu vaccine during the 2016/17 season
 Yes 373 74.2 578 91.5 951 83.8 <.0001
 No 130 25.8 54 8.5 184 16.2
Have recommended the flu vaccine during the 2016/17 season
 To all of my pregnant patients 264 52.5 495 78.7 759 67.0 <.0001
 To some of my pregnant patients 158 31.4 97 15.4 255 22.5
 To none of my pregnant patients 39 7.8 8 1.3 47 4.2
 Don’t know/Prefer not to answer 42 8.3 29 4.6 71 6.3

aMissing answers are excluded in the calculations of percentages.