Figure 1.
Brainstem DVHs in relative (A, C) and absolute volume (≤2 cm3) (B, D) of 30 patients treated at CNAO, presented in D LEM I (A, B) and D MKM (C, D). Crosses represent the former CNAO and NIRS dose constraint of D 1% ≤30 Gy (RBE). Triangles represent the new D MKM constraints V 40 Gy (RBE) <0.1 cm3 and V 30 Gy (RBE) <0.7 cm3 as defined by Shirai et al. (14). Squares in (B) represent the possible new D LEM I constraints (error bars, 95% CI) resulting from the dose translation model presented in this work, see Figure 3 .