Figure 5. Combinatorial effect of BMJ and GEM on fibrosis and MUC1 expression in PanC-PDX tumors explants.
(A, left panel) Representative polarized light images (x400) from Picrosirius red (PSR) staining of PDX explant tumors after active dosing with the drug/s (day 32 or day 35) or after drug-washout phase (day 64). (A, right panel) Fibrosis quantification represented as percent positive pixels using SlideBook V.6.0. Treatment cohorts represented by C (untreated controls), B (BMJ), G (GEM) and B+G (Combo). (B, left panel) Representative pictographs (x400) of MUC1 expression in the mucinous PDX266 and PDX271 tumors after immunohistochemistry, and (B, right panel) quantification of the MUC1 immunoreactivity score (arbitrary values) in PDX tumor explants, as detailed in Methods section. Values are expressed as mean ± S.E.M. ***p≤0.001, **p≤0.01 and *p≤0.05.