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. 2020 Nov 11;7(11):200548. doi: 10.1098/rsos.200548

Table 1.

Summary of the statistics and of the potential driving factors compiled in the meta-analysis. For each study, the sex difference in TL (g), its variance and its sample size are reported. The tissue sampled is reported as RBC for red blood cells, WBC for white blood cells and other for all other types of tissue. The method of TL measurement is reported as TRFS for telomere restriction fragment followed by a Southern blot, TRFI for telomere restriction fragment followed by an in-gel hybridization, and qPCR. See electronic supplementary material, Methods and Results for further information.

species study g variance sample size tissue method
Acrocephalus arundinaceus [29] −0.086 0.059 68 RBC qPCR
Acrocephalus sechellensis [30] 0.174 0.005 837 RBC qPCR
Aptenodytes patagonicus [31] 0.115 0.08 50 RBC qPCR
Aptenodytes patagonicus [32] −0.158 0.038 106 RBC qPCR
Aptenodytes patagonicus [33] −0.094 0.027 146 RBC qPCR
Branta leucopsis [34] 0.678 0.141 34 RBC TRFS
Calidris alpina [35] −0.177 0.178 24 RBC TRFI
Corvus monedula [36] 0.242 0.084 48 RBC TRFI
Diomedea exulans [37] 0.423 0.068 60 RBC TRFS
Fregata minor [38] −0.076 0.229 22 RBC TRFI
Hirundo rustica [39] 0.17 0.031 130 RBC qPCR
Larus crassirostris [40] −0.278 0.051 82 RBC TRFS
Larus crassirostris [41] −0.214 0.072 72 RBC TRFS
Leucophaeus pipixcan [42] −0.437 0.205 20 RBC qPCR
Luscinia svecica [43] −0.15 0.042 97 RBC qPCR
Macronectes giganteus [44] −0.653 0.092 47 RBC TRFS
Macronectes halli [24] −1.016 0.124 37 RBC TRFS
Parus caeruleus [45] 0.384 0.079 56 RBC qPCR
Parus major [46] −0.483 0.099 42 RBC TRFI
Parus major [47] 0.483 0.053 79 RBC qPCR
Parus major [47] 0.018 0.054 76 RBC qPCR
Riparia riparia [35] −0.158 0.267 16 RBC TRFI
Rissa tridactyla [48] 0.457 0.111 38 RBC TRFS
Sterna hirundo [49] 0.139 0.017 233 RBC TRFI
Strigops habroptila [50] 0.6 0.062 67 RBC TRFS
Strix aluco [51] 0.06 0.026 158 RBC qPCR
Tachycineta bicolor [52] 0.187 0.057 82 RBC qPCR
Tachymarptis melba [53] 0.044 0.041 96 RBC qPCR
Taeniopygia guttata [54] −0.307 0.229 19 RBC TRFI
Taeniopygia guttata [55] 0.375 0.042 99 RBC qPCR
Taeniopygia guttata [55] 0.128 0.052 79 RBC qPCR
Thalassarche melanophrys [56] 0.091 0.079 51 other TRFS
Turdus merula [57] −0.206 0.102 40 RBC TRFI
Turdus merula [57] −0.607 0.192 22 RBC TRFI
Uria lomvia [58] 0.33 0.235 35 RBC qPCR
Uria lomvia [58] 0.956 0.147 47 RBC TRFS
Uria lomvia [59] 0.578 0.101 60 RBC TRFS
Vultur gryphus [60] 0.566 0.21 20 RBC qPCR
Capreolus capreolus [61] −0.023 0.055 73 WBC qPCR
Capreolus capreolus [61] −0.154 0.061 66 WBC qPCR
Crocuta crocuta [62] −0.771 0.091 66 WBC TRFI
Elephas maximus [63] −0.335 0.077 120 WBC qPCR
Eliomys quercinus [64] −0.382 0.259 16 other qPCR
Glis glis [65] 0.432 0.213 20 other qPCR
Macaca fascicularis [66] 0.11 0.202 20 other TRFS
Macaca fascicularis [66] −0.186 0.192 21 other TRFS
Macaca fascicularis [66] 0.238 0.201 20 other TRFS
Macaca fascicularis [66] −0.819 0.219 20 other TRFS
Macaca fascicularis [66] −0.615 0.221 19 other TRFS
Macaca fascicularis [66] −0.069 0.191 21 other TRFS
Macaca fascicularis [66] 0.63 0.233 18 other TRFS
Macaca fascicularis [66] −0.088 0.191 21 other TRFS
Macaca fascicularis [66] 0 0.202 20 other TRFS
Macaca fascicularis [66] 0.101 0.2 20 other TRFS
Macaca fascicularis [66] 0.571 0.21 20 other TRFS
Macaca fascicularis [66] 0.345 0.314 13 other TRFS
Macaca mulatta [67] −0.251 0.084 48 other TRFS
Macaca mulatta [67] −0.027 0.083 48 WBC TRFS
Macaca mulatta [67] −0.282 0.084 48 other TRFS
Macaca mulatta [67] −0.14 0.084 48 other TRFS
Mandrillus sphinx [68] 1.284 0.04 120 WBC qPCR
Meles meles [69] 0.13 0.011 360 WBC qPCR
Mus musculus [70] 0.055 0.243 17 WBC qPCR
Mus spretus [71] −0.48 0.049 84 other TRFS
Mus spretus [71] −0.73 0.045 94 other TRFS
Mus spretus [71] −0.681 0.039 110 other TRFS
Mus spretus [71] −0.818 0.036 127 other TRFS
Neophoca cinerea [72] −0.052 0.167 25 other qPCR
Ovis aries [73] −0.024 0.01 481 WBC qPCR
Cyprinus carpio [74] 0.133 0.056 73 other qPCR
Menidia menidia [75] −0.074 0.173 29 other qPCR
Menidia menidia [75] −0.082 0.136 38 other qPCR
Pungitius pungitius [76] −0.336 0.049 83 other qPCR
Salmo salar [77] −0.251 0.062 67 other qPCR
Salmo salar [78] 0.437 0.047 89 other qPCR
Heterodontus portusjacksoni [25] −0.495 0.214 20 other aqPCR
Heterodontus portusjacksoni [25] 0.45 0.182 24 other qPCR
Heterodontus portusjacksoni [25] −0.31 0.202 20 other TRFS
Alligator mississippiensis [79] 0.131 0.167 24 RBC TRFI
Chlamydosaurus kingii [80] −0.239 0.102 112 RBC qPCR
Lacerta agilis [81] −0.323 0.025 161 RBC TRFS
Liasis fuscus [82] −0.909 0.123 45 RBC TRFS
Thamnophis sirtalis [22] −0.638 0.06 72 RBC qPCR
Zootoca vivipara [83] −0.621 0.436 10 RBC TRFS
Zootoca vivipara [83] 0.254 0.403 10 RBC TRFS
Zootoca vivipara [83] 0.687 0.424 10 RBC TRFS
Zootoca vivipara [83] 0.257 0.403 10 RBC TRFS
Zootoca vivipara [83] 0.591 0.417 10 RBC TRFS
Zootoca vivipara [83] 0.601 0.418 10 RBC TRFS
Zootoca vivipara [83] 0.157 0.401 10 RBC TRFS
Zootoca vivipara [83] −0.216 0.402 10 RBC TRFS
Zootoca vivipara [83] −0.39 0.408 10 RBC TRFS
Zootoca vivipara [83] 0.033 0.4 10 RBC TRFS