Snapshots from live-cell imaging at 1.5–2.0 hr intervals between 3 and 5 days post-infection (dpi) in normal surfactant (NS) (A-D) and deficient surfactant (DS) (E-H) lung-on-chip (LoCs). Macrophages are false-colored magenta; Mtb is false-colored green. The calibration bar (inset in A, D, E, H) indicates the absolute intensities in the Mtb channel, the scales were chosen to achieve a similar saturation level in the images across surfactant conditions. Representative examples of infected AT (yellow boxes) and macrophage (white boxes) are highlighted, and zooms (B, C, F, G) reveal growth in both cell types over this period. Scale bar, 10 µm. (I, J) Plots of the logarithm of total fluorescence intensity over time confirm exponential Mtb growth for representative infections in ATs (I, K) and macrophages (J, L) under NS and DS conditions, respectively. In each case, an intracellular microcolony with growth rate close to the population maximum (red), median (yellow), and minimum (blue) is shown. The growth rate is the gradient of the linear fit. (M) Scatter plots of Mtb growth rates in ATs (n=122 for NS, n=219 for DS) and macrophages (n=185 for NS, n=122 for DS). Growth is significantly slower in macrophages than ATs in NS conditions (p = 7.8E-8) but not in DS conditions (p = 0.64), and is more heterogenous in both conditions compared to single-cell Mtb growth rate data from axenic microfluidic cultures. The green- and red-shaded regions indicate the growing bacteria and the non-growing fraction (NGF), respectively. (N) Uncontrolled growth in DS conditions can be rescued by exogenous administration of Curosurf. Scatter plots represent Mtb growth rates in macrophages in a DS LoC treated with Curosurf (‘Chiptreat’) or infected with Mtb preincubated with Curosurf (‘Mtbtreat’). Data from DS and NS LoC infections (no Curosurf) are included for comparison. Growth attenuation for both treatments is significant relative to DS conditions as reflected by the average growth rate and the size of the NGF (n = 122 for DS and n = 121 for Chiptreat; p = 2.5E-12 and n = 63 for Mtbtreat; p = 2.2E-12 and n = 122 for DS). p-Values were calculated using the Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA test.